Change is defined in the Collins English dictionary as “to make or become different: transform or be transformed.” Reflecting on the changes faced by organizations and transformation that has taken place in recent years across the world, it appears difficult to visualize anything other than an increasing rate of change that will continue to affect the policies, procedures and practices of organizations and the lives of people who work in them. The global economic meltdown is a case in point. Many organizations, the world over have closed down operations. Employees had lost their jobs since majority of the organizations had upheld retrenchment strategies. Organizations have essentially embarked on cutting costs to enable them remain afloat.



One of the goals of change management is the alignment of people and culture with the strategic shifts in the organisation, to overcome resistance to change in order to increase engagement and achievement of organisational goals for effective transformation.

Achieving sustainable change begins with a clear understanding of the current state of the organisation, followed by the implementation of appropriate and targeted strategies. The focus of change management is on the outcome the change will produce-The new arrangement that must be understood. Change processes usually apply to a task and/or structural change and can be either; Incremental or transformational ,Situational .A comprehensive change management strategy should lead to the desired objective and create a sense of ownership, enable sustained and measurable improvement and build capability to respond to the future change.

When organizations are managing change, they are expected to manage transition too. There are several models available to understand, frame thinking and help lead change. One of the pre-eminent thinkers in change management is John P. Kotter who teaches Leadership at Harvard business School.


Kotter’s Process are:

 1.Establish a sense of urgency .Help others see the need for change and the importance of acting immediately. Examining the market and competitive realities Identifying and discussing(potential)crises

2.Creating the guiding coalition.

Make sure there is a powerful group guiding the change, one with leadership skills, bias for action, credibility, communication skills and authority and analytical skills. Building team and forming influential coalition. Getting the group to work together like a team.

  3.Developing a vision and strategy

Clarifying how the future will be different from the past, and how you will make the future a reality. Creating a vision to help direct the change effort. Getting the vision and strategy right. Developing strategies to achieve the vision.

4.Communicating the change Vision

Make sure that as many others as possible understand and accept the vision and strategy.

Using every vehicle possible to constantly communicate new vision and strategy. Have the guiding coalition role model-The behaviour expected of staff. 

5.Empowering Broad-Based Action

Remove as many barriers as possible so that those who want to make the vision a reality can do so. Enabling others to act on the vision by getting out obstacles and encourage risk taking. Altering system and structures that undermine the change vision.

6.Generating Short-Term Wins

Create some visible, unambiguous successes as soon as possible. Planning for and generating short term wins/improvement in performance. Creating those wins Recognising and rewarding those people who make wins possible ,

7. Consolidating Gains and producing more change

Press harder and faster after the first success Not letting up, consolidating improvements and sustaining momentum for change Use increasing credibility to change all systems, structures and policies that don’t fit together and don’t fit the transformation effort .Hiring, promoting and developing people who can implement change vision. Reinvigorating the process with projects themes and change agents.

8.Achoring new Approaches in the culture

Hold on to the new ways of behaving and make sure they succeed until they become a part of very culture of the organisation. Creating better performance through customer and productivity oriented behaviour, more and better leadership and more effective management. Anticipating the connections between new behaviours and organisational success. Developing means to ensure leadership development and succession. 

.Other tools or models of managing change are environmental sensitivity: SWOT and PESTEL, Professor Pettigrew Analysis, Norton and Kapla 8-stages of strategic execution, Harvard School 4-Building Blocks for effective strategy execution and Rosabeth Moss Kanter Ten Commandment for executing change.

Transition has to do with managing the emotion of workers’ during a change process. William Bridges has defined three phases for managing transition. These are:

1.Endings involve loss of the old situation and identity.It is like a small death with typical stages of mourning.

2.The Neutral Zone is a state that lies between the old realityand new reality. It can be a time of confusion, with swings between hopefulness and despair. It is like an incubation period that holds creative potential and the test of new ideas.

3.Lastly the Beginnings phase brings acceptance and incorporation of a new sense of reality. It involves new visions taking root after the old visions have been put to rest.

 The Beginnings phase builds on the new orientation that emerges in the Neutral Zone.Everyone goes through these three phases of transition but they can go through them in minutes, in days, or even years depending on the change, their perspective of the change, and the way it is managed. Leadership must understand that unless transition occurs, people will not commit to change.






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