Be the change...
It’s a scary time and an amazing time that we live in. Regardless of what we all believe this pandemic is, or the pandemic of fear. We see friends falling apart on different views and worldview. We see some that can still engage in exchange of views around the pandemics and other topics springing up around it, from which specialist to listen to, to conspiracy theory and so on.
I take my setting into what WHO does, post and recommend, and I believe very few nations are following their guidelines. Rather the opposite as WHO did predict that the real threat would come from politicians making irresponsible calls and harm our way of life, they were spot on. But that’s not where my thoughts are tonight. Our world has changed overnight, what we now see is not clear and we are stepping into the unknown
My thoughts are towards what we observe in our very neighborhood, our friends, family and those around us. I see some wonderful write ups from business friends sharing their thoughts seeing this as an opportunity and not something negative or bad. For sure a harsh change but something good will come out of it. I see people reaching across how to support each other’s business in whatever way they can. There is Bgreener group, “thriving in uncertain times”, and many more. Many great mind coaches speak up as well, let’s grab this moment and be the change.
I have meet with several partners, competitors, and others through the last week with an almost spiritual energy as to where we are going to go, TOGETHER.
It’s a time where likeminded people come together and pull together. Airforce pilots talk about their wing mate, who protects their left and right wing, navy seals talk about Semper Fi, no one gets left behind. Others run for the hill in panic or run around as headless chickens a and try to find a temporarily raft to hold on to for the time being.
In our team in Seven Stones I see soldiers, no one gets left behind, everyone understand the situation and that we can get through this together, and will come out even better at the other end, they are true soldiers, being a mixture of origin from Balinese, Ambon, Sumba, Java and Lombok, they are true Indonesian’s Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. I am proud of them all on how they take this on, turning every little stone to create business, supporting each other with creative ideas and opportunities we can tap into. I am proud of all of them, I am proud of those closest to me as in my family, kids and life partner, they are all true soldiers covering each other’s wing, and following Semper Fi, nobody gets left behind…I am proud of being part of you all. You are all Manusyah…
See you all on the other side…