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In David versus Goliath, we read of an underdog situation.

The smaller weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary.

The real significance of that story lies in the how.?

How was David able to beat the mighty giant?

David was incapable of meeting his strength and power, but he was capable of adapting to the situation by deploying an unconventional strategy.

A simple sling using a stone.

The stone was thrown to the sweet spot of the forehead, it was a new technology that brought down Goliath.?

His inability to adapt to this change in weaponry and strategy proves that adaptability beats strength when strength does not adapt.?

Adapting to change is difficult but not adapting is fatal.

History is littered with the corpses of very strong people and companies who were brought to their knees due to their inability or unwillingness to change.

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Change descends upon each of us equally.

The difference is that some of us realise it faster than others and adapt accordingly.

But it is our awareness of the slightest changes in our environment and the world around us that helps us to best manage the change process.?

The letters of the word change can be used to remember various strategies for facilitating awareness, belief, and commitment, to any new initiative designed for proactive impact.?

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C stands for Consequences. People change for two reasons, their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken.

Action is then taken because of the positive consequences that they expect to get as a result of those new actions.

To get yourself involved in a transformation process requires buy in.

You can get buy-in if you can clearly prove to yourself the severe disadvantages of not changing and the huge advantages of changing.

So here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself...

What are the consequences of not changing?

What's your why the reason for the change?

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H stands for habit.

Doing the same things we've always done will not give us a different result.

What do you need to STOP, START or CONTINUE to do to get the result you want? So here's a question for you...

I want you to remember that change of any type is painful, difficult, and inconvenient at first.

It's then messy in the middle but once you win the battle you find it was so worth the effort.

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A stands for attitude.

Einstein has said the measure of intelligence is the ability to change, and I'd like to add that the measure of ignorance is measured by one's ability to resist change.

You must maintain a positive attitude as it relates to current circumstances and the necessity for change, and you must also ward off any signs of resistance to that change.?

So here's a question on that...

How can you best manage a personal change initiative to ensure a more positive and responsive attitude??

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N is for needs.

When it comes to change the mandate is simple. adapt and overcome.

Early acceptance along with the commitment needed for change will come easier if you stop and focus on your needs and your priorities.

Although change might be uncomfortable and inconvenient at first, the eventual outcome will be positive.

So here's a question regarding needs...

What personal needs must be met in order for you to ensure a successful change initiative?

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G is for goal setting.?

When facing a need for change, you must set goals to either do things differently or to do different things.

This is a subtle but important distinction.

Getting the right answer and setting the right goals early on, will be the key to a successful change process in every area of your life.

Goal setting turns a vision for proactive change into action.

Remember, those goals must be specific, they must be measurable and time-bound.

So here's your question...

Do I need to be doing different things or do I need to do things differently??

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E stands for empower.

Proactive change requires proactive behaviour and you will naturally feel empowered to work for proactive change when you have the knowledge and resources in order to achieve specific goals and feel a sense of personal control over the change process and expect success from your efforts.

Certain steps can be taken to increase these perceptions and to find out what these are you got to ask yourself this question...

What would increase your belief that this change initiative is not only within your personal control but that it will make the difference in reaching these goals??

If you perceive that you have the necessary information, the correct resources, and personal control to accomplish the proactive goal, I promise you that you will expect the best and feel empowered to make change happen.?

Use this C.H.A.N.G.E. system to gain enormous competitive advantages both in business and in life.

Remember... "It's not the strongest or the most intelligent that survive it's the one most responsive to change"

If you want any support implementing change in your business or your life give me a call I'm here to help...


