Change Starts With Your Actions
This is adapted from something I sent to a group of leaders last Friday. I hope you enjoy it. More importantly, I hope you act on it.
In my journal, I keep a list of ideas for things I could write to you about. Until the pandemic changed my routines and daily focus, I had a pretty good process. Over the last couple of months, I am much more frequently deciding what to write in the morning as I begin.
But I still have a list.
And at the top of this page is this entry:
Respect = Listening
That certainly seems appropriate now.
We have a human need to be respected by others. And one of the simplest ways we can show it to others is by listening to them.
Not listening to respond.
Not waiting for our chance to talk.
Listening to hear. To understand. To acknowledge. To learn.
Now, flip it around.
If someone is listening to you with the goal of understanding you, and acknowledging you and learning from you… How will you feel?
You will feel better.
You will feel heard.
You will feel understood.
You will trust that other person more.
You will feel respected.
Respect = Listening
Listening = Respect
The listening part is 100% in your control.
The world needs more listening and respect today.
You can’t change everything convince everyone to stop talking and start listening, but you can model it.
And when you do, you will create more trust and respect with the people you interact with.
It’s you doing what you can.
But a small pebble can create big ripples.
#ForwardTogether #BeRemarkable.