Change - Is resistance futile?
Change has become a major part of many of our lives over the past few years, adapting to changing workplaces and lifestyles has become increasingly common. Change can be difficult; it can be unsettling, stressful and confusing at times, but change also has its benefits. When we embrace change we can keep up with the times and get a well-needed refresh, as well as improve self-understanding and prevent boredom caused by repetitive, monotonous behaviours.
In business, embracing change is particularly important, as it demonstrates to potential customers that you are fresh and up-to-date. In order to maintain awareness of technological, economic and social developments, embracing change is essential. Recent research revealed that the average business has undertaken 5 major organisational changes in the past three years. It is natural to be reluctant to make changes sometimes, as humans we are habitual creatures and rapid changes are often risks. However, risk-taking can often rewarded in business, particularly if changes are well planned and thought through. For example, organisational changes are typically made because they can enable the business to function at a higher level, improving efficiency, productivity, innovation, quality, and of course profit!
In cases where change is rarely made, or is managed incorrectly, it can have a damaging affect on a business. This was particularly visible through the pandemic when some businesses and industries were quickly adaptable to changing times and were able to thrive, whereas others were either unable to adapt or were unsuccessful in their attempts to make a change – many of these businesses never recovered. But what are organisational changes, and how can you ensure that change can be made smoothly?
Organisational change is a process in which a business re-strategises operations. This can involve a change of goals, technology or company culture/ethos. In some industries, change is an anticipated part of planning, whereas, in other industries or situations, change may be intermittent. Organisational change can usually be divided into two distinct categories; adaptive and transformational change. Adaptive changes are smaller modifications that usually help a business evolve over time and keep up-to-date. Transformational changes are often much larger and shift the wider direction or goal of the business as a whole. The need for these changes may be direct or indirect or caused by external factors such as the emergence of a new competitor, or something more internal, such as a reflection on how the structure of the business could be improved.
Business experts recommend that change is often about guidance. When employees experience large changes at work, lack of guidance can cause excess stress and confusion, leading to many of the common mistakes that make changes unsuccessful. The resolution to avoiding this may be based on communication skills, experts find, as clear communication of why a change is necessary and what it will entail is often all that people need to stay on the right track.
Do you have any tips for embracing change? How are you resilient when things are changing around you? Comment below.