Change Requires A Kick In The A##. - eWaste is changing today.
I say to a lot of people, "I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to make a difference." But mainly to the people I deal with who have lost all sight of what it actually means to be a recycler. There is competition in this industry, when no competition should exist. EVERYDAY, I work closely with Governments, Policy Makers, other recyclers, scrap dealers, people around the world who constantly have the good of mankind in mind.
I defend those who are trying to make a difference. I promote the companies who understand the importance of recycling. Our earth is limited, it really is. In this industry, there are issues that need addressing. There are policies that need implementing. There are people who need to be seen and heard. What they are doing, is amazing.
In this industry there are, also, too many problems to count. We deal with waste. we deal with other peoples garbage. It's not an easy thing to do. There are thousands of rules we need to follow. Cleaning up what's left behind from the rest of the world. They don't pay us to do this, instead we have to find some value in what they've used and thrown away. Sometimes, that value isn't there. But we still take it, we re-purpose it, we find a place for it, or we take back a penny on the dollar we spent for the privilege to serve the public.
There are programs, which are broken, to cover the cost of recycling by the producer. But, the scrap yard doesn't see a dime for its contribution. The recycler doesn't see a penny for their work. But, the collector, who takes it apart and sells it for parts, (so it's no longer traceable,) to claim the prize of the first to have hands on it. They get the money, but don't recycle the product.
What, I think, bothers me more, is the divide. There is a huge divide between policy makers, refiners, recyclers, traders, dealers. Not a single one is connected. Every one of them working against the other, all of them after more and more. Commoditising toxicity, where in today's world we should be connected and working together. Raw materials should be available globally. Waste is a global problem, why is it illegal to move waste to a certified recycler from one continent to another. Your system is broken, but you call to us to fix it. Why should it be, that massive recyclers consume the waste to sit on it? Biting off more than they can chew. If you want a report about how the supply chain is broken, visit 200 scrap yards a year. See the tons of e-waste that sit there. Scrap yards are simply offsetting landfills, to make the national books look better.
Lets not kid ourselves, there are hundreds of recyclers I speak with, who cannot find enough materials to keep themselves in business. When. on the other hand. there are fat, bolstering refiners with funds to hedge the value of the metals they hoard. Metals they won't extract for another 10 years. Sitting on thousands of tons of waste which they buy at above market price. You think you understand the problem, but there are more than too many.
I've sat with the greatest minds in the world in my lifetime and they all have agreed on one thing, the general population, don't really want change. It's not in anyone's nature to want to work hard on anything. Change, scares people. Being wrong, scares people. I see this industry going in a direction that it won't be able to come back from. It's already reached its limit, the ones on top don't see it yet, maybe they do and they just haven't told anyone.
But, there's an upset coming to this industry, something that's about to level the whole playing field and help mitigate the risk of being in the e-waste business.
When this happens, the 9 towers of gold that stand in the 4 corners of the earth will either need to change, breaking their current rein on the system they've put in place, or, they will suddenly find themselves competing with a much more fierce power then they can handle. A global network of small refiners, processors, collectors and warehouses all working within a matrix of positive momentum. true articulated, focused momentum. Fed by accurate information, no longer kept secret and accessed by a few elites. Connected in a way that increases the efficiency of the movement of waste, drastically increasing the efficiencies of processing that waste. Connecting one actor to another rapidly, allowing dynamic links to be made between suppliers and buyers. Effectively creating the worlds largest automated, segmented, networked disassembly line.
We are arming everyone, we are making them smarter, we're making them stronger, they are becoming faster, We are providing the tools that are essential to the success of every player at every level of the industry. We aren't planning this, we aren't looking for funding to do this. This isn't just an idea, not a concept, not a research paper. This is already happening.
There is a change coming, in less than 2 months, we are over 100 strong and growing. We are all reaping the rewards of being joined, in unison. We are all benefiting from the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the e-waste industry, we are all getting stronger.
The broken ways we have done things for years, will soon be behind us. We are ready to become circular. we are already, becoming circular. Join us.
Energy Efficiency & Operational Productivity Gains
5 年You said it, Dale. We are not here to be nice; we are here to make a genuine wont happen overnight....change is constant and inevitable for this industry. Those who have commoditized toxicicity have had greed take over them. I am 100% with you and passionate in contributing towards the positive and much needed change that is needed expeditoiusly. Together, we can all work towards this goal!