Thinking in systems
One of the most insightful books I read this year is Thinking in Systems. The author explains what a system is, how they work and behave, complex systems (composed of smaller parts) and a lot about how they work. Unlike many self-help books that can be condensed into a couple of pages, this book is concise and extensive.
Working in technology, we design systems (interacting services) often and hence the basic idea is very familiar. However systems are not limited to technology. Systems exist everywhere - people in a company, people in a state, biological systems at cellular levels, ecosystems, and more. A system is an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized to achieve something.
Watch the video from Russell Ackoff on system's thinking?
In particular he said,
A system is never the sum of its parts; it’s the product of their interaction.
The Thinking in system's book covers multiple topics in the area but I'd like to focus on one basic topic about change.
A system must consist of three kinds of things: elements, inter-connections, and a function or purpose.
Let's take a company as an example of a system.
Change in systems can happen across all three but the impact is different.
Dynamic companies need to change and I welcome change rather than rigidity. At the same time, understanding types of change definitely helped me contextualize how I felt about changes in my company.
Managing change requires understanding how the system will react to a change. A system might destabilize if the change causes unintended side-effects. However if managed well, systems can morph with time to achieve new outcomes or become effective at current ones.