Change in Practice
Mona Mohamed M. ALI
Marketer, Communicator,Public Relations Professional,Independent Change Management Strategy Consultant ,Poet
The most important part of the whole Change Process and Strategy is the practice of Change in real time effect. We set Change Process in the form of Strategy of minor plans and of objectives , also set the description , dimensions and directions of the whole process compared to those of each person involved in the Change process but we take it fore-granted that all those things are enough to guarantee the success of the Change Strategy in the form of processed plans which is not true.
Change in practice for me, means that we are the Change tools along the process and we are the pillars of the strategical view point along the way of Change. We do not change because we change the name of the companies, or change the jobs descriptions of the personnel, or change the place of the company; not at all ; these are all called " Apparent Change" ; but where is the hidden part of the change that is the Strategy side of the practical change of the process itself.
We do not see the strategy as it is written yet not published for publics, or for the companies publics , it is the indoor hidden practice of the Change process and the most important part. the strategy is just like paving the roads for the Car race to take place; or like the rail ways built up for the trains to move on. The Strategy shows us the correct change path for not falling down, or divert from the road rails after we start the Change.
Change in Practice is the point where there is no way back; and the only accepted move is forward paths but never to the backwards. so this makes people feel either confident towards their new strategy or hesitant because they were used to a whole different way of thinking and moving their businesses forwards. This makes all recall the difference between what they used to do and they know by heart and what they changed and doing it different than before.
This stage point calls for "Immediate Research Plan" for the sake of carrying a differential study for the sake of evaluation of all what people are satisfied from and all what they are afraid of or hesitant to go forward with. This is an evaluation study for the sake of steady movements ahead and for making people sure about their higher management decisions about change.
This is not a way back or a think backward but rather making people themselves adopt the change on the basis of self evaluation, rather than a third party evaluation so they start feeling the differences between what they know and what they do not know. This is a very important phase for self progress and killing the gaps between the knowns and unknowns and how to deal with these gaps on the basis of knowledge not on the basis of self evaluation only. This also kills the gaps of change knowns and unknowns on learning, educational, training basis rather than personal knowledge only.
Here the Change Strategy Consultant can be of help to have the outside Non biased expertise with the company management for Non biased and fair evaluation for the Change process rather than the people of the companies hence the people evaluation is a High Management together with the Human Resources Department and not the Consultancy job. Hence the Consultancy is only for the Strategy part of the Change in practice.