Change is the only constant
Jessica Lohmann ?
Helps eco creative entrepreneurs craft ethical marketing strategies | Fractional CMO for sustainable tourism, greentech, regenerative agriculture | Creator of Marketing by Nature | Voice Talent | Animal Welfare Author
The times, they are a-changin’
After a turbulent year of environmental activism and daily news of climate changes, we rolled into an insane year of a deadly pandemic that continues to hold us back.
Hold on, is the Corona virus really holding us back?
Or, is this a start of a new beginning? A new world we’re being ‘forced’ to create. One that’s kinder, healthier and more abundant for all.
And what about the Black Lives Matter movement? Racism has always been existent but this needs to change, now! I don't have to go into detail as to why this is important. You know why.
All I have to say is that if you're aware of what's going on around you, you know we have to change many things in this world.
Not only as individuals, but as a society.
Because there’s still no motion of any government to make ecocide a crime and enforce that law, nature decided to take things into its own hands — or rather, roots!
Fact is: Nature is resilient. Humans and other animal species? Not so much!
And who knows what will happen if and when the US gov't decides to send in troops to 'take care' of protestors?
Fact is: In order to survive and thrive as a society, we have no choice but to live in harmony with each other and with nature. We have not choice but to create change.
There’s nothing more that I want in this world which is why I founded Ethical Brand Marketing and became an eco fantasy author. It’s written in my manifesto to help protect species and our environment with my marketing expertise.
Embracing this new change is sustainable and will help your business thrive.
Why change a running system?
Consumers are now (finally) demanding more sustainability, honesty and transparency in the corporate world. Citizens around the world are demanding peace, acceptance and safety.
Causing harm to any kind of life on Earth and our environment is no longer an option. That’s it, we’re done with being destructive!
Because of these demands, business owners are currently responding by changing the way they:
- Run their business
- Produce their products
- Market their brand
If you or your customers want you to become more engaged with political issues and help those who need help most, you now have a huge opportunity to become a leader in your industry.
It's time to turn your business into a social enterprise and create that change you want to see in this world.
Social enterprise defined:
A social enterprise is a business that has a strong social or environmental purpose.
Be it to help save species, reduce inequalities, support research projects to avoid future pandemics, help solve world hunger, finance schools so that children can learn and not work, help fund farming projects in underdeveloped countries, etc.
That purpose becomes the reason why you're in business. Not necessarily to earn lots of revenue. No, as a social entrepreneur, your profits will be reinvested to help make a positive impact in the cause you support, not buy yourself a yacht.
Not to say that you'll never be able to afford a yacht. I just believe that if you're in this with all your heart, soul and energy, a yacht just won't be as important anymore. Helping others will though.
How to turn your business into a social enterprise in 6 steps
1. Pick your battle
My Nana always told me that. Pick your battles because you can't -- and don't want to -- fight every single one. You'll run out of fuel if you do. So, find out what you're most passionate about and where you can make the greatest impact in your business.
The United Nations developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help solve the main problems we face every day on this planet.
Answer these questions:
1) Which ones speak to me the most? What cause/s am I most passionate about?
2) Where can I am my business make the most positive impact?
Just like with your target marketing, niching down to only one or a few goals will help you become more focussed and attract those who support the same cause.
2. Bring in your cheerleaders
Internal communication in any company is vital. Present your ideas to you team and brainstorm together how to most effectively execute them.
3. Develop your giving back strategy
Once you and your team are clear on your cause and how you're going to execute this change, you're ready to choose your charity partners who work in that field. With microfunding and microlending organizations such as 1% for the Planet, B1G1 and Kiva, you can easily and affordably fund various projects that help reach your chosen SDGs.
4. Make sure your business aligns with your cause
If you produce products and want to help protect our environment, make sure your supply chain is as green as it can possibly be. This will cost time and money. Well worth the investment.
If you choose SDG #10: Reduced Inequalities, make sure you have diversity in your company and are actively helping to fight for this cause in your own neighborhood, state, country, etc. Not only by donating to a charity because anyone can do that, but choosing minority partners and suppliers or bring in racism trainers who work with your employees or fund one to talk to your local schools, etc. This is the fun part, be creative!
Whatever path you take, as long as you make a conscious effort to make improvements step by step and are honest about these steps, your customers will trust you and remain loyal.
5. Communicate your efforts
Once you've made these changes, communicate them to the public. If you've only been able to implement one thing, write that you're taking your cause very seriously, but can only change one thing at a time and are excited to take the next step and say what that next step is.
For example: I'm currently not using a green provider to host my website because I'm locked into a two year contract. But when that runs out, you better believe I'll switch to a green host. When I asked my current provider if they offer green hosting services. The woman on the phone replied with a confident 'Yes!' but was completely unable to tell me any details. In fact, she sent me to The Netherlands who then sent me back to the US. Ugh.
Conclusion: My current host doesn't offer green services whatsoever and has not properly communicated that with their support team. They lied to me and many other customers, most of whom probably believed them and didn't dig deep at all. But those who know will leave and never come back. It never pays to lie. Never.
6. Build strong collaborations.
Collaboration is absolutely vital as a social entrepreneur. Working together with someone or a company who shares your values -- no matter if it's your direct competition or not -- is an opportunity to make a greater impact faster than expected. I do this all the time and only come out stronger and more successful because of it.
Dare to be rare -- a word about greenwashing
It’s uncommon for a large brand to transform their company into a social enterprise without using greenwashing. I can't even think of one example, but I'm sure they're out there. What is greenwashing?
The act of giving a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company is more environmentally-friendly than it really is.
Greenwashing is easy, but very dangerous because it only fools a few consumers temporarily. No one wants to be lied to and they always find out the truth which is never good for business.
This is good news as an SME because it’s quicker and easier for you to change a few internal structures than it is for a huge company.
And it’s even easier if you're just starting out! You'll be starting out on the right foot!
What to expect with change
If you’ve been in business for awhile, transforming your business into a social enterprise will add work to your already full plate and it may also pose uncertainty during the strategic developing and execution phases because there is a learning curve.
I can help you with this transformation. Just schedule a free 30 min call with me and let's talk!
What I wish for you in this world
For the world and all life on Earth, I wish social entrepreneurship becomes the standard and some day, the ONLY way to run a business.
Have a great day,