Change now rests on the shoulders of giants

Change now rests on the shoulders of giants

After my first New York Climate Week, I’m struck most of all by the contrast: ?the contrast between those who turned up, and those who didn’t. Those who are mobilising to drive the change we need to see, contrasted with the absence, and seeming apathy, of many of the big powers and polluters. ?


In a week of early mornings and late nights, I met and joined events with Indigenous leaders, youth activists, artists, business leaders, scientists, and NGOs, philanthropists, investors - all resolute in finding a pathway for a better future. The energy, determination, and passion of those who gathered from around the world, from across all sectors of society, was palpable.??


I was inspired by the 70,000 people who marched in New York on Sunday, demanding an end to fossil fuels, by?climate justice activists like Kevin Chand , Vanessa Nakate and Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim ;?by the businesses leading the way in transitioning to Net Zero;?by the leaders of Small Island Developing States who provide the moral leadership and authority that we so sorely need. If there’s one speech you should read from the Climate Ambition Summit, make it?this one?by Prime Minister of Samoa, the Honourable Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa, AOSIS Chair where she stated: ?“As SIDS, our contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is less than one percent. ?The G20 is responsible for 80% of emissions… our small islands are being ravaged and bearing the terrible burden of the bigger countries’ pursuit of profit over the well-being of our people…”


Meanwhile we saw leadership, too, from city leaders such as the Mayor of London, Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan , and Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE . ?And Gavin Newsom , Governor of California, who is using both litigation and legislation to hold Big Oil to account, and drive greater corporate accountability. ?

But leaders from the USA, China, India, Japan and the UK were conspicuous by their absence, signalling an indifference to the urgent challenge facing the world, to the devastation wrought on vulnerable communities around the world. ?And UK PM?Rishi Sunak’s announcement, on the day of the Climate Ambition Summit, that the UK Government is scaling back its climate ambition was beyond belief; ?undermining the last vestiges of climate leadership that so many worked so hard to build for so long. ?


As for the Summit itself, there was a marked lack of practical plans and concrete action to deliver on the focus of ‘ambition, credibility and implementation’. Without powerful states at the table, and with concrete action plans and finance to deal with the challenge of our age, the prospects for the urgent change we need are bleak.?


With COP28 just a few weeks out, it is critical that all countries reflect properly on the recent Global Stocktake report and what that means for their own emissions reduction plans, so that the outcomes of COP28 are both credible and actionable. We need leadership from the giants now - from those who bear the most responsibility - to slash emissions by half in 7 years, provide the finance needed for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage, and to restore trust by turning ambition into action. ??

Michael Thalhammer

#fossilfree koncepts, #global solutions, #green construction, #transportation, #TOPten4Bicycles & more - that help to save the climate

1 年

Hello #resisdant-??-Community LET’S CONTRIBUTE TO CLIMATE CALMING; MY CONCEPTS ALSO INVITE YOU - LET'S IMPLEMENT THEM. #mobility, #plasticpollution, #agriculture, #TOPten4Bikes, #lightconstruction, #agricultur and more...

Olatunde Obasola

Programme Coordination, Management, Planning, Reporting, Administrative Support, Event Planning, Forestry, Agriculture, Environment, ESG, Design Thinking & Climate Sustainability, NetZero, Circularity

1 年

Laura Clarke OBE The environment is our life support system, and we need to do everything possible to halt the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, and limit the emission of greenhouse gas from anthropogenic activities. Yes! there is an emergency, and it is sad that 70,000 climate activists had to protest to highlight the obvious to the major culprits who are responsible for 80%. The question we need to answer is what else is required to convince the capitalists that on the longrun, or perhaps in not too distant future, if they continue along this path, things will worsen and the conditions may not be right to continue to mine or harvest resources from the earth without embracing sustainability practices, and compliance to ESG standards. I love what you are doing at @ClientEarth, we must not be silent in the quest to rally support for transition to NetZero and the protection of natural ecosystems.

Jessie Lydia Henshaw

Growing to Harmony -OR- Growing to Tragedy ... A choice to make …

1 年

I guess my thought was on the lines of “The fiduciary duty for new times” or Fiduciary duties for new realities” or something…

Tim MacDonald

Co-Founder, Project Law Group, PLLC

1 年

The most gigantic of the giants who are not just missing, but invisible, in the climate conversation today are the fiduciary stewards of the 24+ Trillion in society's shared savings aggregated, collectively, worldwide, into social superfunds for the social goods of provisioning Workplace Pensions and Civil Society Endowments. Pensions & Endowments are the largest single aggregation of money in the world today, with a shared LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE purpose, to be there for us in the future, in a future that will be good for us all to be there in. But the LAW IS NOT ENFORCING the fiduciary duties of these superfiduciaries for society. Instead, "the investment professionals have basically pushed out the attorneys from interpreting fiduciary duty" (Keith Johnson). Bank of Nature is calling on the legal profession to step up and retake control of interpreting the law, for the good of all. Will ClientEarth respond? Because the earth needs faithful fiduciaries.

Toby Mottram

Field robotics for horticulture test and development services

1 年

Mostly seem to be midgets in charge at present. Gutieras speaks. They nod and do nothing or worse



