Change is messy, but do it anyway
As a coach, I don’t want anyone to get the impression that I’m somehow immune to the ups and downs of the human experience.?
The opposite is true.?
I was manic and hyperfunctioning for years.?
Dialed up to level 11 most of the time.?
Railing against the world, others, and myself.?
I would have month-long bouts of sadness, anger, and shame-fueled hyper-productivity.
I’d feel completely hopeless for days at a time.?
I’d also swing the other direction – feeling extremely motivated, confident, and productive.?
Up and down I’d go.
This was pretty much my experience of life from the age of 14 until 30…?
16 years of emotional yo-yoing?
At the time, I interpreted my ups and downs to mean that there was something wrong with me.?
I thought I was emotionally unstable.?
Looking back, I can see that I was simply going through a multi-year transformation.?
I was becoming the person that I am today.?
I was learning how to pull myself back together after hitting rock bottom.
I was learning how to find my equilibrium.?
I was learning how to love myself.?
I was learning how to love the world.?
I was learning how to accept the brutality of the human experience alongside the beauty of it all.?
This was not a quick or straightforward process.?
My journey required me to feel and process a ton of emotions and experiences.?
To shed old ideas.?
To embrace new ways of being.?
To go way outside of my comfort zone.?
To challenge my own assumptions about myself / others / the world.?
It was exciting and scary.?
There were times when I felt like I was absolutely free falling.?
Like I had no idea who I was anymore.?
Or that I couldn’t trust my perception of reality.?
If you met me today, you might be surprised to learn all of this.?
I **think** I come across as pretty grounded these days, lol.?
I certainly feel more grounded.?
And I wouldn’t trade that feeling for the world.?
I earned it by facing my life head on.?
By being willing to look inward and then take action in the world.?
This is the invitation of transformational work – to get really good at building and re-building yourself amidst the ups and downs of life.?
It’s not about numbing our emotions or forcing our will.?
It’s more of a balancing act.?
It means developing the emotional and mental wherewithal to face life as it is, on its own terms.?
While also daring to dream.?
To be a realist and a dreamer at the same time.?
It sounds so easy, but I assure you it’s not.?
It’s like trying to paint your nails while jumping out of an airplane ????.?
It would probably take 500 attempts to get good at it.?
So we just keep going up and taking the leap.?
If you find yourself swirling amidst the chaos of your job / life / the world, I’d love to connect.?
Feel free to set up a complimentary coaching session with me.?
Or pass this email along to someone who might benefit from a convo.?
I’m happy to chat.
Thanks For Reading!
I am on a mission to help driven people find clarity in the fast lane – making great money doing work they love, on their own terms.?
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