The Change Manifesto – are you an action taker or a ‘to-do list’ maker?
Over the last week I have been waxing lyrical on the subject of change; both at the business, market and personal level.
In the face of the constantly shifting sands we find ourselves moving on we are all faced with three choices
· fight for or against change, taking an activist position;
· you can adapt and shift your company and yourself in relation to the change
· do nothing and wait and see
So are you the kind of person who takes action or someone who puts too many things on the back burner. This final blog in this series is a celebration of action takers and a call to action for the ‘to-do list ‘makers.
Speed decisions
I was discussing margins with one of my clients. He was running a professional firm that, in essence traded skilled people for money. Pricing was coming under downward pressure as the market tightened so we were brainstorming other ways that we could hold up the margin. We came up with the idea of bringing some trainees into the business who could do some of the low value work while developing their professional alongside the skilled professionals.
One week later I walked in for my weekly session and there were two bright and shiny new graduate trainees sat at desks being shown the ropes. Straight after our session he phoned the local colleges told them what he was looking for and BOOM.
This is what I mean by an action taker.
The quick and the dead
Wherever you are right now this is no time for procrastination, unnecessary delay or deferment; it is be quick or be dead. A great idea doesn’t sit and wait for you to run with it. You have to pick up the ball and run or watch someone else score the goal.
From where you are now there is somewhere you are trying to get to and one, or more, of these three things are stopping you
You don’t know where you is headed – you may not be that clear about where you want to get to and why you’d want to do what’s needed to get there. Perhaps the goals are not really YOUR goals (if they are genuinely your goals you wouldn’t need to write them down and read them out to yourself everyday, surely?)
You don’t know how to get there – you are stuck as to what the correct direction and sequence of travel is from this point (more often than not you actually do know but you’re not prepared to say it out loud)
You are standing in your own way – either you have an internal block that is stopping you moving forward or the threshold conditions you require in order to move don’t feel like they are present
If you are nodding your head in agreement or cringing with embarrassment right now I have a decision and then an action for you to take RIGHT now. It is an action that I promise you will get you clear on which of the above is holding you up and how to move past it.
Either book a place to come along to my FREE ‘Business and Breakthroughs’ session on Friday 27th April in Basingstoke (there are just a few places left), or book an online discovery session with me. Either way I will help you take your thinking to a new level from which the next steps will be both obvious and effortless.
But before you decide have a read of this short statement I wrote my while standing by the River Thames in Blackfriars (if you read yesterdays blog you’ll know) because I want you to be clear if these options are for you.
“Don’t’ come expecting hints, tips and tactics or to be told how brilliant you are. Don’t come for a fix of motivation that will somehow make everything feel better for a few weeks.
Come into the room if you are ready to start a new commercial journey. A journey that will begin to show you just how much dormant potential resides within you and within your company. You are welcome if you are willing to entertain the idea that what you really want from your business is closer than you think and easier to reach than you can currently imagine. “
Are you willing to set aside a few hours to explore a possibility; one that may be the key you are looking for, whilst also being willing to concede it might not be for you?
My focus will not be on getting you to say yes. My role is to help you see what is truly possible for you and your business, and to demonstrate how working with me can be a catalyst and the accelerant.
But any decision you take beyond that is between you, your 'god' and the universe.
You are now ready to decide on whether to take the next step. I sincerely hope to get a chance to share these ideas with you soon.
P.S. Thank you for indulging me with this full week of blogs. I hope they have in some way shaped your thinking as you move forward. Next week I will be asking you to decide whether you want to stay on this mailing list or be removed as part of my GDPR compliance plan.
Whatever your decision(s) I wish you every success in pursuing the life and results you truly want.