Change Management and the Trust Factor
Think about any major change processes you’ve been through in your professional life.
Regardless of whether you’ve been leading a change process, or have been a participant in a process led by someone else, a crucial factor would have been trust – in you as leader or by you as a participant.
Effective change management in business will be characterised by sound planning, implementation and monitoring. However, a key component of the success of the endeavour will be preparing stakeholders, especially employees, for the change. This, in turn, requires stakeholders to trust your vision, values and ability to implement changes in a people-sensitive way.
You are the only person who can establish and live your values.
However, there can be advantages in having independent support when planning, implementing and monitoring change processes, particularly if you’re unused to managing change processes.
Our Quantum Leap Global team is experienced in leading change initiatives, including major transformational change projects and longer-term, enterprise-wide continuous improvement initiatives. One of our Directors, Mike Speter, was also on the reference group that helped establish Australia’s first National Competency Standards for Organisational Change Management.
Given this background, we are well-equipped to support you with change processes of any size or complexity. This will include insights into managing the balance between risk, cost and benefits, and communicating to stakeholders in a manner that engenders trust. You are welcome to?reach out for an obligation-free discussion.
Your partner in business success.
#changemanagement #leadership #personalgrowth #transformation