Change Management Programs (Top Management Tool #1 )

Change Management Programs (Top Management Tool #1 )

Companies use a Change Management Program to:

  • Implement major strategic initiatives to adapt to changes in markets, customer preferences, technologies or the competition’s strategic plans
  • Align and focus an organization when going through a major turnaround
  • Implement new process initiatives

These applications show clearly that these programs aim pivotal changes in a company strategic direction. Such changes, sometimes radical, can not be made without a mix of Cultural Transformation, Organizational Change and Process Redesign.

As a consequence the application of these programs should attempt some key steps:

  • Focus on results. Maintain a goal-oriented mindset by establishing clear, nonnegotiable goals and designing incentives to ensure these goals are met.
  • Overcome barriers to change. Identify employees who are most affected and also work to predict, measure and manage the risk of change.
  • Repeatedly communicate simple, powerful messages to employees. In times of change, alter communication frequency and the methods to manage how a shaken workforce perceives and reacts to information:
  • Continuously monitor progress. Follow through and monitor the progress of each change initiative to tell if it is following the intended path or veering off course.

There are much more to say about Change Management Programs.

If you have any questions you might wright an email to us and asks for support are welcome.

We also have a description of this tool in your language of preference and an implementation proposal might be prepared for your company upon request.

Silvio Taboas

[email protected]



