Change Management

Change Management

Change Management

Change is always around us, consider the transition between day and night is a very classic way to understand why change is important in our lives and it is essential to adopt to the changes to be more productive and efficient in the way we carry on with business and life.

There are multiple ways to understand change management and one of which we can start to ponder upon is the infamous saying of Lisa Bodell she says, and I quote “change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to do it with them. Create it with them.” The ever-changing scenarios and business requirements need people who can be flexible and are required to be flexible. The tendency to move from where you are and the need to be where you want to be is the ultimate motivation for anyone willing to grow in their career and to attain maturity in personal life. (John, 2018)

In business these days it is important to know where we are and where we need to be, the same is measured by many businesses these days through multiple frameworks and approaches. One we can always relate is the strategic growth plan an organization will set for itself and for the progressive path it lays out for its employees in the course of operations, sales and market share. This progressive growth plan with long- and short-term strategies will involve a considerable call to action by the organization and its employees, the strategy will initially involve scaling up from the position where the organization is and derive a road map to growth on how it scales up. The scaling up activity will eventually involve teams, organization and all the resources it has to get away from the current comfort zone to a very challenging zone. (John, 2018)

The momentum of the movement will eventually start having few potential hardline positions, the same can put people over the edge and their productivity, effectiveness, morale and the organization culture at risk. In order to accommodate change in the organization it is important to have a change management strategy in place before laying out the scale up blue print before the employees. The leaders in organization should be chosen to lead the change, choosing a leader might have difficulties. Many organizations have panels and have groups working along with the steering committee to have change management in place and it proves out to be a very effective to handle change without having much impact on the way of doing business or on its employees. (John, 2018)


Leading an organizational change management is important, we have Kotler’s 8 steps process for leading change. (Kotler, 2012)

Increasing the urgency for change

It is important for a business to understand their blue print for scalability with time lines and a step to step understanding of the impact in every stage. While setting the timeline, businesses should be flexible in terms of working a dynamic plan to send out the message to its customers, suppliers, stake holders and employees in the organization. The sense of creating an urgency in the organisation is the only way in which the idea of change can be kicked off either in a small or a larger scale. (Kotler, 2012)

Creating a powerful Coalition

In the previous headline, the vision and statement with timeline has to be very clearly laid out and sending the statement as more like a sales pitch will engulf minds who think on the similar lines and also will capitulate few members of the organization who might have opinions not to go along with the change , over a period of time the resisting members will be a part of the same . Creating and having a panel along with the steering committees will help forming alliances and coalitions to bridge the gaps and overcome obstacles without losing much on the organizations culture and its core values which it was founded upon. (Kotler, 2012)

Vision for change & Communicating the Vision

The effectiveness of communicating change is very crucial as it can set the momentum from the very first stage and keep up to the time line of scalability and the outcome the organization wishes to achieve. The employees will need more debriefing on the vision of the organization for both short- and long-term objectives which it achieves which in turn will be the quintessential factor for successful outcomes and positive changes. (Kotler, 2012)

Removing Obstacles

Organizations hit roadblocks at some important points in their implementation plan, which is expected and the blue print which fails to recognize, validate and revamp its modus operandi will fall short of achieving its objectives, vision and mission. Therefore, recognizing potential pitfalls at a very early stage through predictive analysis will serve as a tool to solve the complexity of the block that arise. (Kotler, 2012)

Creating Short Term Wins

In the market today, organizations that have a mission to accomplish the goal with the agenda saying “whatever it takes” often fall short of getting things done through the right way. There are possibilities where 1 out of 5 organizations will move forward to get the scalability and positive outcomes. The left-out organizations have much more to lose in terms of attrition, organizational culture and values at the end of the line. There in it is important to have short term objectives from the larger blue print. The employees, stake holders and external people in the business will be actuated and the energy will drive people by catapulting them to achieve the long-term objective in accordance with the blue print laid out by the steering committee and the change management groups with little setbacks and deviations required at times for the good of the objectives. (Kotler, 2012)

Building on the short wins

Building on the short wins actually works as many of us who have had some personal wins in situations surge forward to get more of it and not wanting to stop at that stage. A stock market trader who makes a nominal profit either by a good calculation or through some sheer state of luck will have the urge to go for more investments for larger returns. It is not so much only with stock markets but the same is very clearly explained by physiologist who have studied human brains say that once we see small wins we earn for more. The same in line with achieving the larger objectives in the organization can only be made possible through catapulting the positive move of small wins to larger wins. Leaders in the organization will need to recognize the small wins and motivate people to go forward and get more. (Kotler, 2012)

Anchoring the change in the corporate culture

Anchoring a ship in the new port is always the best way to replenish and to charter a new route in the unknown waters. Chartering into unknown waters was one of the ways which ancient travelers and expeditioners had in mind. The charter of old empires is to conquer and spread the charter of their home land to the new-found lands. Organizations have to work on the charters in the blue prints of scalability and change management. The right focus on the same while achieving and after achieving the record-breaking scalability. The organizations cannot get back to the old ports searching for new treasures therefore it is important to adopt them into their corporate culture till there is a need to revamp their modus operandi in the future. This will in turn be rewarding in terms of renewed culture, employee engagement, vision and mission of the organization. (Kotler, 2012)

There have been many changes in the last century in terms of how business, institutions and people have been and are currently now. The Royal realms of the British empire has undergone a monumental change in the past century after the world wars, innovation and new ways people live and work. The colonies banished their rule, democratic movements and much of a close aggression with Ireland in the 70’s. The royal institution which has changed the way it worked starting from Queen Elizabeth II a lady of the past and the present who has been through these changes has guided her family and the country to the perfect transition that is required to keep Great Britain on top of the affairs in the international arena. (John, 2018)

In line ,businesses which are looking out to scale up in the ladder will need to have system in place to handle potential problems arising out of change and very importantly need mechanized work force which is very important as it starts off from choosing the right leaders in the change management who can be a catalyst in the process and lead the organizations through and many a times it can be made that a conflict management mechanism can be in place to face the challenges. Organizations can resort to training its employees on how to cope up with change and render their very best without getting affected and offended. The catalyst and groups in the organization can through some of the programs designed with certification by organizations such as Change Management Institute (CMI), Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP), Bodhih Training Solutions Pvt Ltd (India). (John, 2018)


John, I. (2018). London .

Kotler, J. (2012). Change Management 8 Steps . USA: Harvard Business school publishing .

Isaac John J

Founder of Neural Coder AI | Shaping the Future of Innovation and Business Growth | Lifelong Learner Committed to Driving Impact

6 年

Purushottam Uppu It would be kind of you to take a look at my article and give your valuable feedback

Isaac John J

Founder of Neural Coder AI | Shaping the Future of Innovation and Business Growth | Lifelong Learner Committed to Driving Impact

6 年

Lara Yumi Tsuji Bezerra It would be kind of you if you can review my article

Isaac John J

Founder of Neural Coder AI | Shaping the Future of Innovation and Business Growth | Lifelong Learner Committed to Driving Impact

6 年

Alok Kejriwal?It would be kind of you if you can share your insights from your practical experiences and the learning.?

Isaac John J

Founder of Neural Coder AI | Shaping the Future of Innovation and Business Growth | Lifelong Learner Committed to Driving Impact

6 年

G. Mahadevappa Ph.D., MBA.?It would be kind of you if you can give me you reviews and feedback .?

Isaac John J

Founder of Neural Coder AI | Shaping the Future of Innovation and Business Growth | Lifelong Learner Committed to Driving Impact

6 年

I will ponder and work on what you have suggested . Thanks for your review Andy Schulkind, SPN



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