Change the Lens.
Life is filled with unlimited opportunities if we have the vision to pause and take note of them. So often, the value of any experience is judged by the immediate results as they relate to our desires (rather than the potential contribution that it may make to our lives). There is an innate value to paradox. The balance of the universe rests upon the fulcrum of opposites. Without darkness, there can be no light. Without cold, there can be no warmth. Without that which we categorize as "failure," there can be no success.
Failure is simply a term utilized by those with a limited perspective. Change the lens and it is a step closer to success. Only through the experience of the effect can one evaluate the power of the cause. Your life experience is filled with the answers to all of your questions if you simply take the time to review the road on which you have traveled.
Success or sabotage? Today, take a moment to think about the most challenging experiences of your past. What was the gift of the experience? What do you know now that you did not know then? How can these lessons apply to your intentions for the future?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Do you base your answer on circumstance or on your intention absent of expectation?