Atreya hospital is a multispeciality hospital with Nuerosurgery as it's frontrunner. Atreya hospital is situatied in the heart of Thrissur and has 75 bedded NABH accredited hospital.
I remember a story which is of course a true one. My days as a first line manager in Coimbatore. I was working with my Rep at Coonoor, while we had to take bicycle for rent to meet Doctors. There was this beautiful, young GP lady who just started a clinic, and those were the days, MBBS ladies start a clinic and would end up retiring as a GP. This guy Rep was not a regular working type and I wanted to reprimand him for that. I was waiting for an opportunity and that happened on that day. As usual, it was the first call of that day and the lady Doctor was fresh and was wearing a great cotton saree, a peach colour with floral print. The clinic was a dim light and the climate was cool and damp. My man opens the bag (the good old leather type which needs some skill work to open). He takes the AV folder which was fresh even after 3 months of usage. (You know the reason) He was so much engrossed in his duty that day to impress me that he forgot the ambience and me sitting next to him. The bag was kept in between us, and suddenly my parallel vision saw a movement from the bag. It was a Cockroach coming out of the bag. I was praying and hoping that it does not come out. The lady doctor who was sitting a little farther could see the ' Periplatana Americana' coming out of the bag. She was so angry at the same time too scary also. She looked at my face in an astonishing way, was so embarrassing for me. In the meantime, my great man was much involved in the detailing because, he was looking into the visual aid and reading the sentence printed in it. (Did not know the detailing story at all) I could not control myself looking at the lady because the Cockroach walked down the bag and started moving towards the lady. I was so perplexed and stunned for a moment and did not knew what to do. The immediate action of mine was to pinch on my Rep’s thigh to stop, but in vain. He was not bothered about my warning, since he wanted to prove a point to me about my blabbering of not working regularly. Meanwhile I and the lady was so petrified, but still keeping calm and dignity. (At least I was, because the Cockroach was moving towards her). The Cockroach reached the edge of the saree and I was on tenterhooks. The Insecta (The Zoological Class) or the Arthropod (Phylum name) was not bothered at all because he could smell something good (No pun intended). Whomsoever God I knew or to Nature, I prayed that it does not venture inside the saree, because that was a forbidden area. I could dee the lady squirming and fidgeting. My capricious man was continuing without a break, and all I could do was to end this imprudent man’s rant. To my astonishment and relief the cockroach started climbing down the saree and for a moment stood standstill. That was the moment of CERTAINTY for me as I was wondering if the Rep ever had any worry for his work or his workmanship. I decided on that day that the MENTORING OR COACHING has to CHANGE or REWORKED. Anyway, The Lady Doctor was so relieved than me, she started smiling at me alone and did not see what my Rep had kept as samples or reminders. He was looking at both of us and had a wry smile. My mind was in a mixed reaction of both happiness and anxiety. Happiness because, I was relieved that the mind-blowing incident was over. Anxious, because I didn’t know what the Lady Doctor was going to do with the Cockroach.
As soon as we both stepped out of the cabin and as I was thinking how to handle the issue, My Rep who was a young man asked me without a thought of impudence, “Sir, I saw you and the Lady Dr was having a good timeâ€.
In my next Feature, I will explain the CHANGE in MENTORING and COACHING we need to do as MANAGER’S to the Young Individuals and reduce the ATTRITION which is the menace of the Industry now.