Change Is Here!!!!!
Valerie M. Smith, DTM
Leadership Development Evangelist | Change Agent | Employee Engagement Champion | Future of Work Thought Leader | Learning & Development Trainer | Design Thinking Practitioner | Speaker | Podcaster
Many HR professionals and non-HR professionals has asked me what is "The Future of Work?" I am here to tell you, that the Future of Work has been spoken of since I can remember in 2010, which is 13 years prior to 2023! The Future of Work is all about change and how talent and organizations will operate in the future workplace.
Many countries have been planning their Future of Work initiatives, since 2010 or earlier, around the following:
Why do you think, these Future of Work initiatives were set in certain regions in the world, such as the UK, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, just to name a few. The reason, these regions, set these initiatives, to prepare their citizens and workplaces for what is to come in the Future of Work. Some of you are probably wondering how I know this information, because I've been researching and studying the Future of Work, since 2010, from reading books, online whitepapers and taking classes. However, 13 years later, it's 2023, and communications is continuing to be a skill in demand, because five generations are working together and in a couple years, a new generation called the Alpha Generation will be entering the workforce. Are you thinking of the future for that generation? Sometimes as leaders we don't think it's necessary to plan ahead, however, time is moving, and change is here.
Collaboration is the key attribute to have in any size business, from small to multinational, because we no longer in competition with other team members, it's time to collaborate and co-create. As mentioned, five generations are working together, and each person bring experiences, ideas and unique gifts to the table. According to Forbes, co-creation is a process where teams work together to create something new and innovative.
What skillsets are needed now in your organization? These are questions you should be having during your talent strategy meetings. There is nothing wrong with preparing ahead, for the changes that are happening, because not only would talent be prepared to do their best work, but your company will also be futureproof. As technology advances, it's time to have those discussions on training talent, therefore, your company does not experience disruption, which happened when Artificial Intelligence was released in 2022. Would you like for your talent to be knowledgeable about the technology coming in the future and not left behind. Think about it.
The Future of Work will always be here, as long as there is change happening in the workplace. Change is good, because you are always: aware, building knowledge (skills), growing and preparing for the Future of Work.