Change Habits
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
T - Minus 322 Days
My throat is scratchy from doing so much speaking and I have an occasional cough I can't shake.
The new morning routine is quickly downing some decongestants and Tylenol with a half-gallon of fluids.
Today will be a lunch and learn for about 40 people at one of my oldest clients to review a new concept for competitive advantage.
It will be brief with only a few big pictures and key ideas, mostly focusing on demo.
The message will be somewhat of a shock as the approach since 1994 will now have to dramatically change.
Information of the old will be out and the new approach will be in for a different but better future.
Daily Mission: Write down the most important change you're making today.
For more thought leadership, follow Kevin Fream.