Change is good...
Mali Mayer
Coaching individuals, especially parents to live life with Vitamin H: Health, Heart, and Happiness.
On Thursdays, I put up a health post taken directly from the Shaklee Naturally Blog. I use Shaklee products— supplements, vitamins, skincare, household cleaners, and laundry soap. What’s the purpose? It was to promote Shaklee. I wanted to share the good health I have been having since starting with Shaklee three years ago. However, this isn’t coming across (this was pointed out to me). Since 2020, I have been on a focused weight loss journey to lose 25/30 lbs. In the last five years, I have tried to eat healthily, snack less (thank you, Noom), exercise regularly utilizing custom workouts from an online fitness trainer, and generally maintain my mental health. I have had ups and downs with all of these. My journey started in 2015/2016 when I wanted to drop weight for my 25th HS reunion. Initially, it was 25 lbs. for 25 years. Almost 10 years later, I am still trying to lose this weight while building my endurance and developing muscle tone.
When I work 1-on-1 with coaching clients, I help them see that their mental and physical health is significant to their family, relationships, and work. In the 1980s, there was a Robitussin commercial showing a sick mom. She takes Robitussin, feels better, and comes into a messy kitchen after her family makes her breakfast in bed. While remote working is a norm today (and some of us do it full-time), being sick and working is not ideal for recovery. The point is that we often forgo our health and wellness to serve others.
I have decided to keep the theme of health and wellness for my Thursday post. I plan to use it as an opportunity to share my journey— weight loss, eating healthy, managing my stress, and everything in between. I hope this will inspire others on their health and wellness journey. There will also be snippets into my world as a mom, solopreneur, and homeowner. FYI...I used Benjamin Moore Aura on my walls because it has low VOC and is better for my asthma.
If you read my Monday post, you know that I have set quarterly health goals for the year: Tracking food (Q1), portion and snacking control (Q2), and teeth health (Q3). Both my mom and sister have had gum issues, and I remember my father having a root canal and sucking on sugar cubes after (having sugar after teeth surgery, go figure!). Not for me! Also, I have yet to figure out our Q4 (this is clear from Monday’s post).
“Though the earliest Western mention of the term?wellness can be found in 1654 in a diary entry by Sir Archibald Johnston, a modern concept of wellness derived from a diverse set of intellectual, religious, and medical movements in the 19th century, being refined in the 1950s through 1970s, and coming to the forefront of healthcare consciousness and policy over the last 25 years.??Hence, the concept of wellness is not modern at all, but ancient, deriving from the most basic human drive: to live longer, healthier, and better.”?Dr. Douglas Murphy, Pacific Psychiatry
The best part is I will post this to my website (and in an email blast), so it will no longer just be in your inbox.
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