As community leaders, please, consider how some has worked to solve youth crimes, gun violence, domestic abuse, bulling, gang activities, hate crimes, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and others crimes as well in the past and even now, by,
1*Increasing police force
2*Passing new laws
3*Increasing penalties.
4*Building larger jails and prisons.
5*Imposing more restriction and curfews.
However all of the above has been done for over forty years and the problem, have increased year after year, and is growing out of control each year. It’s time for changes to be made. The time has come, for us to stop managing changes that affect our live, but rather we all should become leaders for change and find ways to change the things that trouble us daily.
Here is something for all to mull over, - Most people often ask about the difference between change management and change leadership, the difference between the two is actually quite significant and those terms are not interchangeable.
The term change management is what most everyone is used to. This refers to structures to keep change under control by managing change as it come to minimize distractions or obstructions. It, do not refer to creating or anticipating the need for change.
Change management involves thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, but mostly importantly the consultation and involvement of those who will be impacted by the change. We often fail to ask ourselves the question. How will those affected by this change react?
Change leadership on the other hand concerns those driving forces and visions that fuel the transformation. It is the engine that make the process go faster, smarter and more efficiently. It is mostly associated with large –scale changes.
Most people you talk to will talk about change management and managing change. This is what they’re used to. They’re usually trying to push things through at a very high speed and minimize disruption. It’s something done through external consultant that are good at that in collaboration with task forces that are basically given the whole goal of “ push this thing along”.
And change leadership is just fundamentally different- it’s an engine. It’s more about the big vision and what change an organization needs to move all its forces from good to great. It’s more about masses of people who want to make something happen. It’s about empowering lots and lots of people to make a difference.
However, change leadership has the potential to get things a little bit out of control. You don’t have the same degree of making sure that everything happens in the way you want at a time you want, when you have the 1000 horsepower engine. What you want to do of course is have a highly skilled driver and a heck of a car. Which will make sure your risk are minimum. But it is fundamentally different.
The world, as we know it right now, talk about, think about and does change management – it doesn’t do much for a change in leadership, since change leadership is associated with the bigger leaps that we have to make, associated with opportunities that are coming at us faster, staying open for a shorter period of time, bigger hazards and bullets coming at us faster. So you really have to make a larger leap at a faster speed.
Change leadership is going to be the big challenge in the future and that’s because of the fact almost nobody is very good at it right now, is because so very few has even given it a chance to try to perfect the process, even though they know it’s obviously something to think about if you really want to create a change, and all else has failed. Such as the failed processes to solve the problem mentioned before.
We live in a culture that values perfection and failure is often viewed as a sign of weakness. People become so fixated on not failing that they never move forward. When it come to failing our egos are our own worst enemies, yet failing is a learning experience – failure drives us to change. It represents opportunity and growth. It gives new directions.
Failure builds character, it makes you stronger, and it increases your chances of success and is a form of freedom- Why- because the worst has happened. Now you can relax and rebuild bigger and better dreams again by doing things differently.
As change leaders, doing things differently is what Pro-Maker is all about, (Changing the game of life) And now I share with you our plan that will address ad solve all of the problems mentioned above and throughout this entire plan for many people across the state, and the same can be done nationwide as well.
Changing things that trouble us in our community and the way a community view or treat our youth and young adults is not a short-term goal. So we let people know up front we will be around until necessary changes are made and we will continue to explore how to enhance the life skills and moral character of all that we contact through Pro-Maker’s multi-sports and recreation center and city and statewide church leagues and our positive youth development programs.
These changes must come about if we have any hope of making our communities, cities, states, nation and the entire world a peaceful and safe place to live in.