Change The Game
Dennis Moseley-Williams
Keynote Speaker & Business Consultant. Client Experience Expert helping small business owners grow. A speaker who isn't afraid to question your perspective.
If everyone around you thinks the same way and believes the same myths about what is and isn’t possible, then it’s almost impossible to find a creative solution.
Creativity is the Five Finger Death Punch to solving every problem in the world. “Nobody is interested in what I have to offer” is only accurate if you discount creativity. “Under the current plan, nobody is interested in what I have to offer.” Big difference.
The thing about being creative is that it’s really scary. But give it a chance and give it some time to work. It is under those conditions when creativity can change the game.
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If you feel like you're spinning your wheels, and need to get some traction, check out this toolkit to help you do just that.
Our latest workbook is available for Free Download. You can do that here.
Tom Frisby | @seriousshift
Dennis Moseley-Williams | @moseleywilliams