Change Is Exhilarating~Transition Exhausting
November 7, 2017 by Concierge Jo-Anna
It’s been nearly 4 months since I’ve had a moment to write about anything, other than the lightning speed to-do list of someone closing out life in one place & beginning again in another. It’s not the first time I’ve done this, so I’m aware of what I learned initially-that it’s not change that is daunting, but the ensuing & necessary transition between the old & the new.
So many people insist they hate change, but I’d bet my transatlantic travels that what they really mean is the transition between what was & what will be. Even if you end up hating the new configuration, you’ll experience at least a year or so of exhilarating new adventures. That’s always inspiring & fun! What’s not entertaining are the details that are needed to get from one place to another, both logistically, financially & psychologically. Passport renewals, vet certificates, funds needed, people to contact on both ends to close or open new accounts…it is an enormous amount of pain-staking & tiring work.
Now that I’ve finally accomplished the most important facets of my move, I am exhausted, but delighted to take up my creative works again. I have so much catching up to do with friends & colleagues in myriad industries & countries, so it will be awhile until I’ve updated everything with everyone.
As with any project updates, it will be a mix of my Lifestyle postings, which remain the niche in which I am most authentically prolific, plus a newer focus on the more creative projects that have taken a back burner these past few months, like my photography & live performances.
I’ve decided to launch the combined focus by taking down my cover photo, & exhibiting pictures from my Portfolio, in an ever-changing slide show, matching moods & seasons. It seems the perfect moment to launch this, & it will inspire me to create new postings in all the categories I love, to weave the thread I’m looking for in the next few months.
This fall, as I begin my latest reinvention, & long awaited adventure, moving back to Europe, I hope everyone is enjoying the season, & is as excited about their upcoming & ever-changing plans as I am about mine!
Bon Voyage, Concierge Jo-Anna
All Rights Reserved~Concierge Jo-Anna @ Corporate Caretaking?
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