Emotionally Intelligent Folks Practice These 7 when when it Comes to Change

Change Emotionally Intelligent Folks Practice These 7 when when it Comes to Change

Whether it’s a new boss, the departure of a loyal co-worker, a new software program, or change of work culture, change in. the workplace can be unsettling. It can be a “pain in the neck.” Emotionally intelligent might feel the same way too. Their practice of the following seven principles, makes change go smoother, less toxic, and with less time waste.


1 Adaptability

Being too rigid and determined to do things only the way it has always been done makes things unpleasant and difficult when change comes along. Being adaptable greases the process of change to flow smoother. The emotionally intelligent individual is adaptable. In some cases it’s either adapt or die, when it comes to organizational change.

?2 Flexibility of Thinking

Life is movement, so is the life of a company. If the mind is rigid and set in stone, then, flexibility becomes hard. A malleable mind during change is able to move from one idea to the next with ease. It absorbs the different input and suggestions presented by different people. The emotionally intelligent individual is clear about their goals and flexible about the process of achieving those goals.

?3 Bendable hearts are mendable hearts

?Bouncing Back After a Supervisor’s/Co-workers ?betrayal is hard. It can break hearts. When a supervisor or co-worker betrays trust, with money, spreading lies, or gaslighting, it leads to a change of emotions. Emotionally intelligent people know that bendable hearts are mendable hearts. A company or organization can get damaged, breached, broken, and even destroyed. An employee whose heart can be touched by these experiences has a greater ability to mend such companies and breathe in new life.

“hardened” people rarely touch others with emotional depth. Soft people do. By showing how they can bend their hearts emotionally intelligent people are able to touch difficult people to have mendable hearts.

4 Admitting Mistakes

It is easier for mistakes to happen when change takes place, especially if it is brand new territory that the company has not treaded before. Mistakes are bound to happen. Emotionally intelligent people know that mistakes are part of the game. They also allow others to make the same admission rather than holding it over them.

5 Wait till Your Emotions to Subside Before you Decide

Rested emotions lead to the best outcome.

The emotionally intelligent individual holds off on decisions, when their emotions are raw, turbulent, and restless. Raw emotions like anger, rage, anxiety, and nervousness are not the best times to make big decisions. Something inside is not right. There is restlessness. The emotionally intelligent person will “wait another day,” or “wait another minute” and put off the decision-making process until inner calmness settles in. Sometimes, it could be waiting for another year, or five years, depending on the seriousness of the decision. They wait for their emotions to subside before they decide.

6 Crisis Decisions Are Never Good Decisions

No organization goes for a long period of time without facing crisis situations. During the time of a crisis emotions usually become volatile, raw, and foggy. The road ahead seems unclear while the road behind seems pretty obvious. During crisis moments the emotionally intelligent individual holds off on the decision-making process. They know that crisis decisions are never good decisions. They wait till the crisis subsides or they wait till their emotions come to a more stable place before they lead the organization in a healthy direction. They influence difficult people to train their emotions to become calm before they make important decisions.

7 Courage

Change requires a heavy down payment of courage. Often times change transports us into unknown and even dark territories. The deeper the change, the lonelier the journey becomes.

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