Change doesn’t come to those who wait
Richard Stewart
Centre Fundraising Manager at Maggie's Aberdeen | Fundraising, Events, Stewardship
Will you help us make a positive change to the lives of local children in need?
For the children on the waiting list at Befriend a Child, the words ‘change doesn’t come to those who wait’ are only too true. That’s why we have launched an appeal to raise £50,000 before April 2019. We will use the money to give more local children who need our help a chance to smile and thrive.
Just now we have 50 children waiting to be matched with a befriender, and more are added every week. These youngsters face extremely difficult circumstances in their everyday lives. They may be at risk of being excluded from school, of bullying, unhappiness and loneliness. They are all at risk of missing out on their childhood and losing out in life. But with the help and support of a trained befriender, it doesn't need to be like that.
Arran’s story
Arran was referred to Befriend a Chid when he was nine. It was dangerous for him at home as his dad was often drunk, aggressive and violent. He lived an isolated life which existed between home and school. He seldom went out to play or have fun.
Arran appeared confident but under the surface was pain and misery from which he had little escape. Initially, his parents were suspicious of Befriend a Child as they didn’t want anyone to get close to the family. However, that changed when they heard about other children who had benefitted from befriending.
Arran has had a befriender for over a year. He has tried lots of new things, like bowling, swimming and hillwalking. He now has something to look forward to and get excited about. At school he has more in common with his classmates and they are more accepting of him.
Without Befriend a Child, Arran might still be stuck at home, isolated at school and miserable. No child deserves to live like that.
To help give children like Arran the start to life all children deserve, we are appealing for your help. Please consider making a donation towards our £50,000 target. Our deadline is the end of our financial year 31 March 2019,
Your gift will not change the world, but it will change the world for Arran and children like him.
For more information please see:
To discuss how your business could be involved, contact me on 01224 210060 or at [email protected]
Thank you