Change is Difficult: How to Help

Change is Difficult: How to Help

Change can be difficult for everyone, no matter the age. Children and teens can have an even more difficult time than adults responding to change and may need help navigating through these causes of stress in their lives.

Even positive changes can be hard. Predictability leads to feelings of security, so when life becomes a bit unpredictable, even temporarily, those feelings of security can decrease. There are some ways, however, to help kids to get through these changes that come along in life.

  • Talk through feelings about the change and doing something new. Don’t assume that the changes are being handled successfully just because you have not heard otherwise. Ask how everything is going. Give kids a chance to share their feelings.
  • Normalize your child’s emotions. Listening, being empathetic, and allowing kids to have and verbalize their feelings can help them realize that what they are feeling about change is normal.
  • Check in with your own reactions. As parents, make sure that you are taking care of your own wellbeing. When adults regulate their emotions, kids see that they can do it as well.
  • Help your kids figure out what they can and cannot control. This can help to reassure them that they are not powerless and can focus on the positives of the situation.

Talking about change can help children and adolescents know that there will be difficult situations in life that might make us feel upset or angry. But we can work through these situations and be okay. Negative emotions will not disappear overnight, but talking through them will help kids to process what is happening. Don’t forget to remind them that change is a normal part of life, even though we do not always like it.

Conversation Starters About Change

  • You’ve had a rough time recently. How are you feeling?
  • It’s hard to go through a break-up/move/change of schools/exams, etc. How are you feeling about it?
  • I’ve been having a hard time lately because of these changes. How have you been feeling?
  • Change is hard, isn’t it?
  • Life has been difficult lately. What are some positive things that have happened lately?
  • Let’s talk about what’s going on.
  • I get how you’re feeling. This is rough.
  • It sounds like you are struggling with this. How can I help.
  • It’s okay to not have all of the answers. It’s okay to feel scared/angry/sad.
  • Do you remember that other time when things changed? We did okay after that, right?


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