Change Consciously
Kamaya Parab
Student at Modern Education Society's Nowrosjee Wadia College Arts, Science, Pune 01
I could tug myself under the bed, surrender to my foes, or lay on a pile full of thoughts. But is this what I want to do? Here is when I tell myself to go, change the batteries of my brain. At the end of the day, month, or year; the brain has to function well. Starting from now.?
Often, I ask. What is my game plan? Here is my answer. I am playing the game. Prepping myself to be a player. With a bold mindset, broad shoulders, and a brilliant story to have, show and tell. Consciously changing my foes into friends as I now lay on my bed.?
This is me, changing the batteries from tugging myself to having a bold mindset. From surrendering to having broad shoulders. From laying on the bed to narrating brilliant stories. "Change is constant", it is also conscious. Better be it a day, month, or year; you and I got to bring the?change consciously.?