Change Coming from the Macro versus the Micro

Change Coming from the Macro versus the Micro

I believe the macro is a collective consequence of the numerous and diverse micros, with some micros having more of an impact than others depending on when, where, and what that micro is. And of course, that again depends on if the micro in question could be just one of the many micros that make up that, or another macro. The debate of the macro and micro is a very old debate. An old expression from this is: “can’t see the forest through the trees'', getting lost in the details. Yes, it is important not to get lost in the details but, sometimes focusing on the details can be even more so important to the whole picture. Yes, it is important to be realistic but, we must not easily dismiss the possibilities, good and bad, that can be a result of the micros. ‘Case in point’, and back to the old saying of “can’t see the forest through the trees”; what if in this ‘forest’ a particular ‘tree’ happens to be infested with something detrimental to the whole forest, or even smoldering that looks like mist, that is undetectable by the average person.?What if, in some instances what can constitute the Macro and Micro is subjective to what is being compared. When comparing one to another what is considered micro, or macro, can vary. When you think of regions or nations, they can be the micro when compared to the world. Even the present world can be a micro when compared to the entire history or future of the world. What some can currently label the macro policies of a nation, for the good or the bad depending on your point of view, are reacting to the circumstances of the local or micro, in that comparison.

It is the macro that can dictate the guidelines of the micro. But we must not underestimate the importance of the micro and their collective influence on the macro, in any instance, even outside the previous examples. There is a cycle, most people do not realize that the macro is significantly and merely reacting to the ‘collectives’ of the micro, no matter what you are referring to as the ‘macro’ or as the ‘micro.’ This is something that I have expressed before, much of the time without true appreciation by others. One example, in my native country of the United States of America it is widely accepted that the Federal Government often dictates the limits of what the individual states can adopt. On the surface it may appear so, considering federal law is thought to overrule State Law. However, what is not appreciated is that the federal government is often reacting to the accumulation of events or policies enacted by a state or states in reaction to local events or policies on a particular issue. That state or states are reacting to certain communities. So, in essence in many cases, the federal government is merely reacting to the ‘collectives’ of the individual communities or responses to the accumulation of local issues. Federal law often reflects back certain state, local, or community policies, in the broad definition of ‘communities.’ The federal government is reacting to actions or inactions of those certain state policies, which in turn reflects back to all of the other states. This is but one example of why I believe the ‘butterfly effect’ of the micro is significantly underappreciated when it comes to governmental policies, society, or societal interaction.

Yes, not becoming lost in the details and unable to see the whole picture, in relation to the expression “can’t see the forest through the trees,” must not be forgotten. But we also cannot underestimate how the micro affects the macro. We must not forget that both directions of the relationship are important. Many can underestimate the significance of the micro playing into the macro. Yes, one can become too caught up in the details and not see the whole picture. One can read too much into a detail and believe it has more influence than it actually does. But, on the other hand, we cannot ignore or minimize a detail or collective of details, lest we run the risk of ignoring the chain of events that can arise from them. We cannot forget that it is often the smaller parts that contribute to make up the whole picture.

Yes, one minor instance in itself can have a minimal impact but, it is the setting of the stage of future events from this, or the accumulation of these events, which can have a significant impact. Of course, we must understand how these micros interact. Micros make contributions to the macro, and we must remember when extrapolating the consequences of a micro there are many different paths that it can take. It is not just one micro that contributes to the macro. There are many micros over time that can contribute to the macro. When we examine a macro, we must ask yourselves how it conducted itself when it was a micro, in past comparisons. More importantly, what was the interaction with its contemporaries? I think of the question of the macro or the micro in the same way I think of time. I think of time as a river with many different tributaries flowing in and out of it, sometimes reconnecting and sometimes not. When following this ‘river,’ there are countless outcomes: You may not be able to go back. You may arrive at a completely different topography in the end. You may change from one tributary, and it may not get you exactly where you wanted to be, but there is the possibility of arriving in the same valley, just a different part, if you examine and navigate the outcomes of those micros thoroughly and thoughtfully.

?2023 Jeremy P. Boggess

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