Be the Change: Co-creating Our World
CO-CREATING OUR WORLD | | It is the year 2020, and by the end of it, the start of a new decade travelling the humanities of diversity, identity, inclusion, cultural awareness and the complexities of technologies aiming at simplifying our lives; we seek clarity, a 20/20 vision of balance & equilibrium. In several fronts, from the local to the global, 2019 wasn’t an easy one; we learned through trials & errors, successes|failures that the human journey is never about perfection, but, incremental progress. A colleague would say we must watch-out for the “convenient illusions” thrown in our paths – another would add “watch-out for placebos to keep us quiet or paralyzed by fear.” Indeed; we started the New Year with mounting tensions around the globe, more suffering, painful lives lost and an ecological crisis the human race can’t ignore any longer.
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” – Rabbi Hillel
EL CAMINO | | When we are engaged and working with people in a multiplicity of activities, facilitated by several levels of connectivity, it is essential we seek to understand their realities, complexities, spiritual and intellectual paths and resonance vis-à-vis our own. We can then propose solutions, improvements or innovations. In other words, understanding the whole person and his|her context and engaging people in manageable parts so they can be the vital protagonists they need to be. We are talking about “El Camino” and coming to terms with what we can actually do – incrementally – that’s how lasting change settles and becomes …
“Instead of trying to change your entire life in January, the simpler strategy is to adopt a twelve-month plan where you’re making constant improvements.” – S. J. Scott
ESSENTIAL SAILORS | | What works, what doesn’t, what need “tweaking” and adjustments, what creative strategies can enrich praxis and transform it? Mirroring the particular endeavour you are engaged with, especially if you are in a leadership position, or a position of influence; what can you drawn from others that will bring potential innovation to the fore? Perhaps given the times, we need to think ourselves as "sailors" and our resolutions need to fluidly fit into the world that we are co-creating guided by a more humane compass & deeper understanding about economics, human creativity, community, individual needs-wellness and critically, our ecosystem.
“One resolution I have made, and try always to keep year after year is this: to rise above the little things.” – John Burroughs
CONVICTIONS | | Callings, vocations, leadership in the service of others are powerful human values-emotions; remaining truthful to them not always easy. In a recent project- meeting I heard something is shifting, relationships changing, economies reinventing, earth’s ecosystems stretched. Business as usual cannot go on. Younger people are showing a new pathway of activism, as if they are saying “time to get proactive” – time to participate in the transformative conversations unfolding all around us. 2020 should be a time for the many cultural-creatives out there to reignite the flame of hope and show us the way one more time. You know who you are; keep creating the opportunities for community, for fair | just economies, for empathy & solidarity. Keep helping us to open our eyes to see through what is happening, and what needs to be done collaborative-cooperatively. Let’s us say yes to human scale economies, let’s show-up with resolve; let’s picture ourselves building a better, healthier world. If we can feel it & visualize it, it will become. As Gandhi said: “be the change you wish to see in the world” (LCA)
About: Leo Campos A. is a Storyteller, Community Organizer|Cultural Worker, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate, Personal Coach, Translator|Interpreter and a Bilingual Conscious Advertising Professional, based in Edmonton (Canada). He is also a part-time advisor & community outreach person with the cloud platform Wayfinders Business Cooperative ?