The future is bright, and the future is clear. We live here. It is about time that you joined us. All of your hard work has paid off. You planned, you plotted and you worked hard. Today, all of that hard work has paid off. Now you are looking back, into your future city. All has been worth, this very moment right here. The future is more important, than most people think. We have to be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of our present day times.
There are no limitations to the human mind. We must emphasize usage of this God given gift. We speak about focus, but we must equally value, our internal drive. Action is key to success. Being fearless is a mandatory requirement. Failure is not an option, but it is a University of knowledge. We must embrace the adventure, in and within the journey.
Just like driving a Porsche, the journey, and the pleasure of traveling; needs to be greater than the destination. Getting there is cool, if you have a pop corn mentality; and you feel that everything must take 35 seconds. We are not designed for that. Our brains can compute faster than the speed of light. Why are we allowing ourselves to have limitations. When in your pursuit of happiness; success will not be instant oat meal.
We live in a future society disguised as the past. Everything is speed. Everything is time. More and more people are rushing through life, and getting no where in the process. It is as if the map of life that they are using, will guarantee that they get as far away from their dreams and goals; as possible. The question is why? Who has convinced so many of you, to not only settle for less; but worse, settle for that bullshit.
You are far greater than any limitation, anyone or anything can place; upon you. Free your mind by setting free; all of your creativity. Let go of the past, and focus on your future. Learn from all that has happened in your life, in your career and in your businesses; your investment portfolios. Invest all of that understanding; in all that you do, from this day forth. Use all of those moments, to secure the very best future; for yourself and all of your loved ones.
Start today by designing the actual future that you want. Do not settle for anything that has been given to you. Use the power that you have, in your bare hands today; to choose. I want this house. In this neighborhood. I want this school for my children's education. I want this church for my family. I want this park. I want this library. I want this lifestyle. I want to be around these groups of people. During my downtime, I want to participate in these activities. I want this. I want that by my; choice. This is the quality of life that I want to live. And this is exactly how I want to do it. This is the time frame, and this is the commitment; that I am making publicly, to myself. For all to see. For all to scrutinize and for all to criticize. I will push myself as hard as I can; each and every single day.
More and more people are rushing through life, and getting no where in the process. It is as if the map of life that they are using, will guarantee that they get as far away from their dreams and goals; as possible. The question is why? Who has convinced so many of you, to not only settle for less; but worse, settle for that bullshit.
You are far greater than any limitation, anyone or anything can place; upon you. Free your mind by setting free; all of your creativity. Let go of the past, and focus on your future. Learn from all that has happened in your life, in your career and in your businesses; your investment portfolios. Invest all of that understanding; in all that you do, from this day forth. Use all of those moments, to secure the very best future; for yourself and all of your loved ones.
Start today by designing the actual future that you want. Do not settle for anything that has been given to you. Use the power that you have, in your bare hands today; to choose. I want this house. In this neighborhood. I want this school for my children's education. I want this church for my family. I want this park. I want this library. I want this lifestyle. I want to be around these groups of people. During my downtime, I want to participate in these activities. I want this. I want that by my; choice. This is the quality of life that I want to live. And this is exactly how I want to do it. This is the time frame, and this is the commitment; that I am making publicly, to myself. For all to see. For all to scrutinize and for all to criticize. I will push myself as hard as I can; each and every single day.
I will not allow any insecurity to ever stop me, or slow me down. This is by my choice. I wanted to be here, sharing this moment with all of you. This has been one of the greatest investments of my life. I am so grateful that I started this online magazine. It has completely changed my life. Now, looking into the future; I can dream of the networks that have spawned; from this one approach. This became, so much more than I anticipated.
What other potentials are still inside of me? What other potentials are inside of you? Find lucrative ways, to tap into all of your potentials. Find inspiration in everything around you. I don't care if it is the plant, on your office desk. Or your pencil sharpener. This wonderful life that you have been granted, is a gift. How many colors of the wind, can you paint with?
I have no idea why anyone, would let anything limit them? I fell victim to other people, who placed limitations on me. I have never ever applied any limitation to myself. But, it also took me years to realize that any insecurity; never once, came from me. When a kid pretends to be Superman, and jumps from the coffee table; nothing matters. The only thing that matters is that flight. I want to always think about life; like that.
I will never grow up; Peter Pan.
More and more people are rushing through life, and getting no where in the process. It is as if the map of life that they are using, will guarantee that they get as far away from their dreams and goals; as possible. The question is why? Who has convinced so many of you, to not only settle for less; but worse, settle for that bullshit.
You are far greater than any limitation, anyone or anything can place; upon you. Free your mind by setting free; all of your creativity. Let go of the past, and focus on your future. Learn from all that has happened in your life, in your career and in your businesses; your investment portfolios. Invest all of that understanding; in all that you do, from this day forth. Use all of those moments, to secure the very best future; for yourself and all of your loved ones.
Start today by designing the actual future that you want. Do not settle for anything that has been given to you. Use the power that you have, in your bare hands today; to choose. I want this house. In this neighborhood. I want this school for my children's education. I want this church for my family. I want this park. I want this library. I want this lifestyle. I want to be around these groups of people. During my downtime, I want to participate in these activities. I want this. I want that by my; choice. This is the quality of life that I want to live. And this is exactly how I want to do it. This is the time frame, and this is the commitment; that I am making publicly, to myself. For all to see. For all to scrutinize and for all to criticize. I will push myself as hard as I can; each and every single day.
I will not allow any insecurity to ever stop me, or slow me down. This is by my choice. I wanted to be here, sharing this moment with all of you. This has been one of the greatest investments of my life. I am so grateful that I started this online magazine. It has completely changed my life. Now, looking into the future; I can dream of the networks that have spawned; from this one approach. This became, so much more than I anticipated.
What other potentials are still inside of me? What other potentials are inside of you? Find lucrative ways, to tap into all of your potentials. Find inspiration in everything around you. I don't care if it is the plant, on your office desk. Or your pencil sharpener. This wonderful life that you have been granted, is a gift. How many colors of the wind, can you paint with?
I have no idea why anyone, would let anything limit them? I fell victim to other people, who placed limitations on me. I have never ever applied any limitation to myself. But, it also took me years to realize that any insecurity; never once, came from me. When a kid pretends to be Superman, and jumps from the coffee table; nothing matters. The only thing that matters is that flight. I want to always think about life; like that.
I will never grow up; Peter Pan.
This is my opportunity to make my mark on the entire Universe. What differences can I make? What can I improve on? Better yet; what can I change? How much better can I dribble the basketball of my life? If I accomplished 28 goals, just a few days ago; how many more can I fulfill today? How many people can I help today? What impact can I have in life; at this very moment? Would life not be boring, if I just did; nothing?
I don't know that; and I don't want to find out. I do not want to go through life like that. I want to do the very best that I can; each and every single day. I don't want to finish this lifetime, without reaching my full potential. I want to do all that I can; always. I can only be a failure, if, I don't try.
I believe in myself. And I believe in you. Let's go and make these dreams happen; today.
This new found aspect of life, I bring to you. Changing your mentality, and your perspective should be, like changing clothes. We must embrace the change of the times. Remember that we must be dressed accordingly to our future. It is the future of our dreams; that we are advancing to, everyday. Fight for the future that you desire, in all that you do. Your dreams are of your own quantity and quality.
My mentors used to always tell me. Not everyone wants a BMW. I find myself saying that, so many times each day. Each day, I learn so much more in regards to that saying. I learn to apply myself towards all of my goals and dreams. I ask that you at least try to implement a few of these concepts yourself; in all that you do.
Life is so precious, and life is only one. I believe in you, to do the very best in all that you do. Life is far greater than any limitations. If you find yourself, dealing with any limitations; search deep within yourself, and find the core. See if those episodes are truly coming from you. If it is, you can always seek a way to overcome those challenges. If it is coming from any other outside; negative elements, eliminate them.
You have the power.