Change is a choice
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, Global Speaker, CVP
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Change is a choice….
By Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey, AS, Leadership speaker
Sometimes in life, we have pivotal points where we have the opportunity thrust upon us to make changes.?A death, a major illness, or a major economic upheaval can force us to take stock of our lives at that point, and make changes.?But isn't it better to seize the opportunities to change and grow as a choice??It is better to be someone who is open to learn, to stretch and push yourself past your comfort zone.?This change is a choice!?Life is a series of changes and choices; why not control the direction and pace?
"Searching for the peak performer within yourself has one basic meaning: You recognize yourself as a person who was born, not as a peak performer but as a learner.?With the capacity to grow, change, and reach for the highest possibilities of human nature, you regard yourself as a person in process.?Not perfect, but a person who keeps asking: What more can I be??What else can I achieve that will benefit me and my company??That will contribute to my family and my community?" Charles Garfield, Peak Performers
Ask yourself a few questions and allow your honest reactions to reflect the changes in your attitudes, and actions that need to be addressed to maximize your life.
What do I really want to have my life to accomplish??What is my biggest dream?
?What am I afraid of??What is stopping me?
?What do I need to change to make it work? To be able to start?
?When will I commit to start making these changes?
Will you have the courage to change??Will you commit to being the best you can be, and all that God intended you to become??Remember the words of J.C. Penney: "No one need live a minute longer as he/she is because the creator endowed us with the ability to change ourselves."?The choice is yours!
? Copyright 2002-2013 Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey All rights in all media reserved.