Change the changeable, accept the inevitable
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
I think that we first need to look at what we consider what is changeable and unchangeable. I have thought that things were unchangeable but when I looked at the situation a different way I saw that it actually was. So in that respect then yes you can change the unchangeable. If we do discover that something is out of our control - therefore unchangeable then the best bet is to look at it another way so it does not seem so much of a problem. After all if you can’t change it - move on, around, over it etc. The above is what I try to practice everyday - It is work in progress!
If I tell you, are you going to do it? Put the phone down after you read this. Get off the couch or chair whatever you are sitting on. Now take a sheet of paper and write down top 3 things you want to have in your life. Better yet, take a cork board and pin the images of your top dreams. Every morning ask yourself what are you going to do today to get closer to your dreams. Every evening, ask yourself if you've done what you promised yourself. That's it. If you do the above, your life will change.
Basically we can't change what's logically or mathematically unchangeable. We can't change what happened in the past. We can only change how we feel about these things. We can't change other people. This is one of the great truisms of psychotherapy and relationship counselling and life in general. We can only change ourselves. The key to any change is action. It depends on what "unchangeable" things you are talking about. As the other two answers, you cant change a lot of things like logical and mathematical laws. But you may have some influences in the other person and if you keep trying in doing the difference would make others to join you. Perhaps there, you'll be able to change the "government", economics, religion, points of views, etc.
It takes lots of months, years from you. I started to change only since last year. Which was hard as hell for me. I have struggled with many years of depression. I was a suicidal person and I always believed that no one in this planet loves me so I’d better off die. But then I realized that everything starts with “me”. I had to start to change things in myself at first. I analyzed my personality traits. I was a born pessimist. So it was something to change about my attitude. I was living a undesirable life. So it was something to change about my interests/hobbies/etc.
I was asocial (this was the hardest one for me and I just decided to change that). So it was something to change about my interactions. This one is the real challenge among these three. But to make this one, I had to change the first two ones. You have to realize that only person who can change things is yourself. Other people are just some sort of guidance on your way. They only can guide you and giving their advises. But in the end of the day, what you’ve decided is what matters most. Everything starts with you and everything ends with you. Cheers!