“Change is a chance for you to grow.”
Human beings are the most adaptable creatures on earth, we have formed societies and communities that support billions of people in diverse and often harsh environments.
Sometimes we might struggle with the choice of playing it safe or taking the big risk, but evolution has proved time and time again that moving forward is always the best option. We cannot avoid it and the more we resist change the tougher our life becomes. Change as John F Kennedy quoted is a Law of Life.
Same goes for business. In every venture you get into you are faced with the choice of constantly changing and evolving or fading into the background. With new, technology being put out ever so often and imbedding itself into our lives we have to keep up.
Building a sustainably successful company requires that leaders understand just how much the business can and will change over time. Leaders can develop the ability to adapt quickly by understanding that change is a part of growth. Businesses that have adapted to the profound changes are the ones that are not only surviving but are outperforming their competitors.?
Personal growth is also an important aspect to consider when discussing change. Successful personal growth requires motivation, the desire to improve, and the willingness to strive to make changes. Personal growth is a process of both understanding yourself and pushing yourself to reach your highest potential. It means always asking yourself who you are becoming and how you plan to get there. The place to start, however, is with your goals. Review your written-out goals and ask yourself the tough questions about whether or not you’re achieving them in every area of your life. Then determine what you need to do for yourself to get there.
Be it a diet change for the better or maintaining an exercise regiment, changing yourself is a transformational process akin to that of a butterfly life cycle. There will definitely be bumps in the road, some up and downs maybe some stagnation but change never comes easy. Taking a break, getting up dusting yourself off and being relentless in your goal for change will guarantee success.?
Personal growth can help in growing emotionally and mentally and becoming a more considerate, focused and positive person. This often leads people to new paths, to making changes in their lives, expanding their knowledge and self-awareness, improving skills, and developing new ones. The benefits of growth and change are numerous; healthier relationships, less stress, improved health, increased productivity and overall greater success.
So, in life we need change. To grow our businesses, to grow as human beings to interact better and to be all rounded successful individuals in this race of life. The best thing is to whole heartedly embrace change and treat it as you would an old friend.
Thus, be it social media (ahem TikTok) or that new app that would make your life ten times easier, take the time to learn about it. You never know the things you would find out.
“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” —Henri Bergson