Change Champion
Joydeep Chakraborty
Head - Global Operations at AXZORA Group | Early stage Tech Investor | Board of Director South Niagara Chamber of Commerce & NBOTAC | Mentor at YEDI
Transform, Alter, Switch is the actual meaning of Change and look how we complicated this simple term.
A lot has been written on Change, Transformation and Paradigm and I am little surprised if it really needed this much of attention. Change as we have known has always been part of our life but it got much hyped as we grew up and started working. In professional and organization context it got almost the same attention as the Nuclear bomb.
Just to refresh all the crazy changes we experienced since we were born. We moved from the comfort of a womb to this funny world, started learning languages from our preferred gibberish, started going to school, made friends, moved to next standard and so on. Change, you see has forever been part of our life. Every change did bring in bit of discomfort, however we grew into it in few days, infact some of us did really well with the change and almost everyone sailed through.
We graduated and now its time for another big change that is job. We get that job and embrace the change again like we forever did.
My point is, we have always experienced change and accepted it wholeheartedly knowing its the only thing that can bring in betterment.
We recognize there are opportunities for corporates as they struggle to accept Change and adapt to it and surprisingly those corporates are run by the same people who experienced change(s) all their life.
This writeup is specifically to cheer up all individuals and letting them know that we are superior and have lived and gained excellence in managing Change. There is no real need to address Change, what needs to be addressed is the attitude towards change. Attitude is something that needs moulding.
With all accomplishments we have had so far in our lives, in managing Change, we can now call ourselves “Change Champion”