The change it is a’comin
Lisa Abell
Freelance Copywriter, Content Curator and Scriptwriter/ Producer. Powering up eco businesses great and small. Do you have videos that engage? Create customer relationships? Show off your uniqueness? I can help.
Greetings on this glorious stormy afternoon! We here in drought struck Middle Tennessee tend to run out into the rain on these now rare occasions, But today we hid under the carport, jumping each time lightning struck on the street. Still we are celebrating after voting in the Democratic primaries this week. I meant to ask, is voting while angry the same as shopping while hungry?
There are many great things to celebrate this week:?
President Joe Biden and his team have diligently worked for the changes we have been screaming about for eighty? years.?
The anti inflation package contains a generous expansion of the public healthcare model that might just turn insurance companies into fair and equitable structures. Or in my fantasy news, create a single payer system. So we can join the rest of the civilized world.
As a footnote, President Obama definitely did some great things, like writing the Equal Pay Act into law on day one of his presidency. My Grandmother would jump for joy to know this amendment finally passed a century later.
Recently Obama invested in an elegant yet playful sculpture for his Presidential Library: It is truly inspiring, as he himself is.?
My grandmother had worked hard on the ERA campaign in the twenties. She stood with Alice Paul at the White House gates for months while President Wilson ignored them and allowed violent public mistreatment. As we can see,
?The punishment for “rocking the boat” remains boringly similar throughout the centuries.
?Yet Obama failed to address climate change. The rest of the presidents in my lifetime, well-? I did not expect them to even think about it, because they have too much skin in the game. Yes, even Jimmy Carter was invested in an oil cartel. He may have divested by now, but- that was then.
?But President Biden truly shows his heart. We owe it to him to protect and enhance his team, as they actually support democratic ideals. Protect from whom? Why, the billionaire robber barons that are all over the news these days- hooray. Transparency is so awesome.
Transparency , our natural state Image: Women Rocking Business, Sage Lavine
The bill also contains measures to give huge federal funding to all things sustainable energy.
It will allow homeowners and business owners to meet their goals of net zero. It has increased our arrival time in 2025 x 40%. One analyst at Fox News says that it's really only 20% higher, because we were already on the road to that initial 20% carbon neutral. However, with this written into law it will be mandatory for everyone, especially big corporations, to comply. And that is the thing that we need to ensure for the future children.
Additionally, corporations will begin paying taxes again after a decades long hiatus.
Most of us are delighted that corporations must now pay 15% taxes, just like I did when I was making 9 dollars an hour as a cashier.
Exciting thing about this bill : it will create even more jobs:
All things sustainable, such as solar, wind, and electrolyte batteries, are to receive huge Federal subsidies. This includes any needed training for the manufacturing and installation of the above.
More jobs with high pay for all equals a strong economy. so when you experience cognitive dissonance over the mandates coming from the Federal Reserve- your perceptions are correct.
In spite of the federal Reserve monkeys yelling about how we just need to depress wages in order to prevent inflation, we know they are only protecting the interests of their owners.
Say what? The Federal Reserve is not owned by us. It profits investors who siphon away all that money they charge us in interest rates. It is a Hydra of public and private twistedness.
So the Federal Reserve banks want growth so they can get money. It has nothing to do with our well being, and everything to do with Woodrow Wilson trying to maintain his status quo.
But what will happen to our economy if we stop listening to these bankers?
I would like to point you to a classic book that is sadly, still relevant today.
E.F. Schumacher‘s “Small is Beautiful”
The small print states, “Nothing less than a full scale assault on conventional economic wisdom”. Schumacher also outlines a practical alternative model that only requires our political will to implement. Well worth the read, and I’ll be very interested to see what you think.
Finally! The Comics
First of all, a visit to Twitter to check out the snippets and comments from the Republican Primaries is worth a laugh- in a horrifying kind of way. They are shouting that fascism needs to be indicted, of all people. Can we say misdirect?
What professionals do when it rains for the first time in weeks….
See you next week!