Chandigarh Capital City – A City of Crisis

???Chandigarh Capital City – A City of Crisis

??????????????????????????????***Jit Kumar Gupta ;[email protected]


Chandīgarh remains a city of crisis. It was conceived in crisis, born in crisis, grown in crisis and continues in crisis of population, poverty, politics and pollution. Despite all these crises, Chandigarh remains a role model in the domain of urban planning, architecture, urban design, landscaping and urban management. Assuring minimum quality of life even to the poorest of poor and offering basic amenities of life, Chandigarh remains the only city in the country, providing minimum two room accommodation, piped water supply, water borne sewerage, and sanitation system, metaled roads, assured electric supply etc to all the residents of the city.

Known for experimentation and commitment of the professionals including, architects, town planners and engineers, who worked tirelessly, has made Chandigarh, one of the finest planned and developed cities, locally and globally, in the post -independent period. Despite limitations and constrains imposed by the non-availability of adequate financial resources, state of art construction technologies, construction machinery etc, Chandigarh showcased how profession of architecture, town planning and engineering can be effectively leveraged to create one of the finest examples of human settlement.

?Despite limitations defined above, Chandigarh invented a new typology of architecture, universally known as Chandigarh Architecture, based on the local climate, using locally available materials in the natural form, reinventing the use of brick, minimizing the use of glass and wood, using pre-fabrication, standardizing , adopting principle of sharing and clubbing etc. to make buildings and city not only cost-effective, time-efficient but also qualitative and role model in architectural and planning vocabulary.

?In addition to its innovative architecture, success of Chandigarh, as a unique urban experiment, can be largely attributed to the appropriateness and quality of site selected, which remains both unique and unparallel in the annals of city planning. Placed under the shadow of great Himalayas and enclosed by Sukhna and Patiali ki Rao Choes (two non-perennial rivers), there could not have been better site for locating new city. Credit for selecting unique site remains with the professionals and administrators of the government of India, Capital Project and Ambala District of state of Punjab, who were involved in the site selection process of the new capital city.

Chandigarh remains a city of two plans and not that of one plan. We are doing great injustice by forgetting the valuable contribution made by the first team led by Albert Mayer and Methew Nowicki, in the planning and designing of the new city which included; preparing first master plan; defining the new city traffic transportation network; positioning four major components of the city including Capitol, City Centre, University, Industrial area; detailing out the Capitol, City Centre ,Super bock; creating green network in the shape of twin parkways for the city; detailing network of services etc;

?The second Master Plan by Le- Corbusier, prepared in merely 96 hours, based on which city stands planned and developed, made use of the principles, approach and setting of major elements of city defined in the first master plan. Valuable work done by the first team of architects remains both unknown, muted and marginalized, which needs to be brought out from the closed chests of Chandigarh administration and duly acknowledged, for its role in laying down and defining agenda for making Chandigarh a great city.

Credit for the success and glory of making of Chandigarh must go the wisdom and patronage of political leadership positioned at the centre and state levels, to create a new city instead of going for upgrading of an existing city. Credit should also be shared by the team of administrators, architects, engineers and professionals, who worked tirelessly and selflessly for the making new city a distinct reality. In addition to contribution made by Mons Le- Corbusier, enormous work done by Pierre Jenerette, who came on the project along with Le-Corbusier and continued to steer the project, during his stay for 14 long years as the Chief Architect of Chandigarh, remains most valuable and unique, but less acknowledged. But for him and his work, city would have never been what it stands today.

Work done by Jane B Drew in planning of first residential Sector 22, including defining the principles of neighborhood planning; pattern of housing layouts; limiting number of entries ; creating central green; connecting neighborhood with nature and great mountains; making sector safe from traffic and self-contained in day to day needs; defining the mobility pattern; making use of 7Vs in the local planning; creating V4 shopping street; positioning of public buildings including healthcare, education etc;, remains both unique and universal, which laid down the framework of planning for other sectors of the city.

Maxwell Fry along with Jane B Drew, both husband and wife team, running their own architectural practice, came for three years, contributed by defining the architectural vocabulary of Chandigarh by designing major institutions of healthcare, education, housing etc. They were also responsible for bringing Le- Corbusier as Architectural Advisor and as team leader of second team engaged for making of Chandigarh.

?In addition to the foreign experts, contributions made by the young Indian architects, planners and supporting professionals, working with them would also need recognition. Work done in the Capital Project of Chandigarh, both in quality and quantity, remains unique and unparallel in the annals of any government organization.

Contribution made by Chief Engineer P L Verma to the construction and development of the city and buildings in the capitol complex and even in its planning and designing, remain most valuable and remarkable. He made the creation of Sukhna Lake, a district reality besides putting in place different types of architectural controls; setting a culture of high standards of construction; making of best quality materials including bricks etc. He was also responsible for selection of the site for the city; engaging and negotiating with the second team of architects for the city.

?Unfortunately, most successful Chandigarh model of city planning, development and management remains largely unexplored, ignored and unexplained. Setting up of a distinct and dedicated unit for planning, development and management for the new city, headed by a top bureaucrat Sh. P N Thapar ICS, duly supported by Chief Architect, Chief Engineer, Estate Officer and other supporting staff remains both unique, effective and efficient system of urban governance, which need documentation, detailed study and analysis for replication in the new cities.

In addition, Chandigarh remains a unique example of city planning, where planned development based on the defined norms have been achieved without the creating and making provision and legal framework for preparing the Master Plan. Success of the Chandigarh city can be largely attributed to the bulk acquisition of the land for the first stage of the city (9000Acres).

City remains totally owned by government, where land was first allocated on free hold basis and then on the leasehold basis. City created a unique example of planning cities in the regional context, by creating a legal framework for preserving, planning and managing its periphery, with the help of Periphery Control Act, which placed the extent of periphery initially in the year 1952 at 8 kilometers , subsequently extended to 16 kilometers in 1964 , considering the intensity of development.

City was able to protect its flora and fauna by preserving and protecting all its existing wealth of trees by enacting Tree Preservation Order. Visual pollution was planned to be checked by the Advertisement Control Order, which was made integral part of New Capital (Development& Regulations) Act. Simplified building bye-laws, Zoning Plans and Architectural Controls were largely used as the mechanism for the city planning, development and management of including sub-division of land, allocating use to the land divided and regulating the construction on the land so divided.

?Periphery Act remained most potent weapon till November, 1966, to check the unauthorized construction on the fringe of capital city of Chandigarh. However, with the reorganization of the state of Punjab and bi-furcation of periphery in 1966, with majority of periphery area going to state of Punjab (75%), Haryana getting 24% and only 4% area remaining with Chandigarh, periphery control lost its relevance, context, role and importance as protector of the city. It emerged as the biggest threat to the rational existing of the new city.

Despite best of efforts made by Government of India to protect and promote the development of Chandigarh in the Regional context, states of Punjab and Haryana, have gone for the largescale urban development. Chandigarh Inter- state Capital Regional Plan, 2001, evolved in 1984 by the Town and Country Planning Organization of the Government of India, has remained only a paper tiger without any legal backing and states going ahead with urbanization policies and programs.

?State of Punjab has evolved a Regional Plan for the Mohali Region covering periphery are falling in the state of Punjab. Haryana has evolved a developed plan for its share of the Chandigarh periphery. Chandigarh, as it stands today, has not been fully explored, documented and explained for large number of innovations made in the domain of planning, designing and management of the new city.

?City has large number of innovations to its credit in making planning, designing and construction of buildings both cost effective, energy efficient, time-efficient and qualitative, which needs to be researched and brought out for learning and replication Despite all limitations, adverse conditions created, threats and challenges posed by the change of geo-political situation, created by bifurcation of the state of Punjab and making Chandigarh a centrally administered unit, with a limited area of 114 square kilometers, besides making it the capital of states of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh remains both a unique, distinct and a the most successful experiment in the city planning, designing, construction and management, both locally and globally.

With the grant of heritage status by UNSECO on July 17,2016, Capitol Complex has been globally acknowledged as the most valuable heritage in the domain of built environment, within a short period of six decades of creation. Chandīgarh holds great value for the professionals and profession belonging to architecture and town planning, because city has put them on high pedestal of recognition by showcasing their role in making value addition to environment, ecology, economy, environment and quality of life.

?This eBook is never intended to explain the entire context of making of a Chandigarh along with its planning, designing, construction and management because cities remains most complex and dynamic entities, ever evolving, devolving and never static and never finished. Book remains a mere compilation of the various articles written by the author for the city both, individually and collectively;( involving Ar. Chitrangda Sharma, faculty Chandigarh College of Architecture for the article, “Role of Art in Chandīgarh Architecture” and Ar. Nishant Rai for being co-author in the article, “Chandigarh experiment with Low Cost Housing”); over a period of time, watching capital city when coming to the city to join the Chandigarh College of Architecture in 1964 , as a student of architecture ;as a professional working in the domain of urban planning and engaged in the teaching and learning of architecture/ urban planning and as a resident of the city for last 56 years.

?Each article in the book remains ?separate, distinct and self-contained written in different contexts, and as such may contain repetition of thoughts and ideas. Since the span covering remains fairly large, so possibility of data reflected becoming old and irrelevant cannot be ruled out.

eBook tries to bring out few of the unknown aspects of Chandigarh planning, designing, art and architecture, which needs deeper and further expansion and exploration for making available to the professionals, students of architecture and planning besides residents of the city beautiful for understanding the entire context and genesis of the making the capital city.

?Chandigarh, as a great experiment in urban planning makes a great teaching and learning, which needs to be expanded and explored for understanding the genesis of what makes a new city a success and what leads to its failure.

This eBook; ‘Chandigarh-A City of Two Plans’, is the fifth eBook by the author. First eBook, ‘Planning and Designing of the State of Art Healthcare Facilities,’ was dedicated to the healthcare sector; whereas second eBook titled, ‘Making Cities Great Places to Live’, showcased the options for planning, designing safe, resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities and towns. Third eBook titled, ‘Managing Unique Heritage of India- Issues and Options’, build the case for the role and importance of built heritage in defining human civilization and options that need to be exercised in order to preserve, conserve and promote the built heritage by making it integral part of the urban development process and adopting community-oriented approach to make it people centric. Fourth eBook on, ‘Housing for all in Urban India- Myths and Realities’, focused on looking at the issues and roadblocks which hinder the creation of adequate stock of housing and explores the options available to make availability of housing for all in the urban context a distinct reality.

This eBook on Chandigarh, tries to look at the various aspect which went into planning and development of Chandigarh capital city in the historical perspective; looking objectively at the intent, content and scope of two master plans prepared for the city; detailing the principles which went into planning of the neighborhood planning; looking at the safety of sector planning; Factors which led the emergence of Chandigarh Architecture and bringing out the factors which were adopted to make the government housing both qualitative and cost-effective.

?This eBook, it is hoped, will help professionals and readers to understand the entire context of city planning and explore large number of innovative ideas promoted by Chandigarh, which still remains unexplored and not have seen the light of the day. In the making of this eBook



