Chance is not a game! To some who look at it mechanically, it is probability. What is probability? Probability is a belief in the likelihood of something occurring within a range of successions.
Chance is not Probability. It is governed by energy. This energy is born from two principles.
The first is the Male Principle which is electric, This principle projects ones intent to overtake and seize the outcome of chance.
The second is the female principle which is magnetic. This principle draws the outcome of chance to one who focuses their desire at it with unwavering concentration.
An example of this is a professional sports figure aiming at a goal or target during a competitive game. The likelihood of a basket ball player or a golf pro making that perfect shot is assured by their concentration and focus. These players are not aware that they are actually tapping into these principles and the energy they produce.
Each of us have this ability to secure some level of effectiveness. The level we attain or experience is dependent on our focus and concentration we are able to apply. I subscribe to a two question formula to determine what level I myself have achieved. I ask my self… “where am I”? The answer is… “I am here”! Then I ask myself… “what time is it”? The answer is… “it is now”! The here and now is the focus that triggers chance and draws its power into being.
We are all winners who are at various stages of awareness and development. We only need to use the power God gave us which is to focus on the task at hand. This focus will keep us moving forward to the goal we HOPE to attain.
I see Chance as having 5 progressive stages. First there is HOPE in ones skills, then FAITH, then TRUST, then BELIEF and finally, KNOWING what is required to arrive at success. KNOWING is confidence! God made us to be confident while remembering with humility our source which is he, our Creator.