Champtronix: Recognition and Reward is the Secret Weapon in Talent Retention
Direct sales and marketing specialists, Champtronix, are proud to have developed a culture where recognition plays a prominent role. The Watford-based firm contends that its recognition and reward culture is the secret weapon in talent retention, and urge other companies to implement a similar culture.?
CEO of Champtronix, Claristelle Labrador firmly believes that the people at Champtronix are the company’s greatest asset. The dedicated business owner has worked hard to cultivate a strong company culture to aid the firm to acquire and retain top talent and keep the business moving forward.?“Finding great people is one of the most challenging aspects of business, and then the next greatest challenge is retaining those great people.”?Commented Ms. Labrador.
Since its inception in 2018 direct sales and marketing experts, Champtronix has been dedicated to creating a culture where the firm’s workforce is not just recognised for their hard work and efforts but also rewarded adequately.??
CEO, Claristelle Labrador, believes that there are 3 benefits to offering recognition: retaining top talent, increasing engagement and encouraging optimum performance levels. The business owner is a passionate mentor, willing to go above and beyond to help people to achieve their goals and reach their full potential and she believes that recognition and reward play an integral role in helping the firm's workforce to reach their potential.?
In a recent employee engagement survey conducted by US-based firm, O.C. Tanner, 37% of respondents said that more personal recognition would encourage them to produce better work more often. Compared to those who do not consistently feel recognised at work, people who do feel recognised at work are: 2 times more likely to say people at the company are willing to go above and beyond
The Watford-based firm provides recognition through;
1/ Development Opportunities?
Champtronix operates a strict internal promotion policy. The firm is dedicated to offering everyone who comes through their doors the opportunity to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential. The sales and marketing specialists have a meritocratic business model, where there is a clear path for its workforce to take their careers to the next level.
2/ Travel
CEO Claristelle Labrador is a travel enthusiast and the business owner believes that travel offers many benefits. At Champtronix, they have an annual R&R getaway, where the firm’s top performers are treated to an all-expenses-paid trip. This year, the firm travelled to Croatia, for a four-day getaway.
3/ Bonuses and Incentives?
Most people are motivated by money. Champtronix frequently rewards its top performers with bonuses. The sales and marketing experts also have a competitive culture and run weekly competitions offering incentives; one of which where the winner receives a suit of their choice (within reason).?
Outsourced sales and marketing specialists, Champtronix is urging companies to consider implementing a recognition and reward culture to help retain top talent.?