Champions vs. Those Others
Jerry Busone
Everyday’s a clean slate you don’t know what will happen so have a great-attitude and do your best
"You don't need rules. But you do need standards of excellence that inspire, empower, and challenge those you lead to higher levels of achievement." The Daily Coach
I've been around enough teams boot in the field of athletics and within corporations worldwide to know the difference between Championship Coaches and well this either coaches ...
Championship level coaches hold themselves and their teams to higher stands ...not rules... standards ...
Bill Belichick NE Patriots Coach and his "Patriot Way"
Coach K art Duke, Part Summit , Marianne Stanley I could go on all set high standards for their teams.
Here are some simple guidelines that I do not claim themas my own, are new or other wise. They are just a few steps to having a champions mindset and team that have worked for me throughout my journey. When these happen consistently good talent becomes great talent .
- WALK LIKE A CHAMPION. Every action and behavior must always demonstrate a highest level on integrity and professionalism —check your scorecards against how you act daily ... the experience you leave somewhen when you walk away ... thats what matters. WHAT DO THEY SAY ABOUT YOU WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN THE ROOM?
- WHATEVER IS RIGHT NOW MATTERS. The Lou Holtz philosophy of Whats Important Now (WIN) that its all that matters now. The idea centers on being in the moment. Nothing else is as important as whats in front oof you right now. As Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle once said: "Our job is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."
- BE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL . Bing know as someone who does what they, stands behind their word, always has the team first and has their teammates backs through the truth defines your culture. Communication is essential to be a champion ...keeping your players and coaches , associates , colleagues informed.
- NO OPTIONS, NO EXCUSES. Take ownership or as the New England patriots say "Do Your Job" ... — Benjamin Franklin said "Who is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else." Set your expectations and own them .
- BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP . "Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration, and resentment." — Dale Carnegie. Work on your peoples skills and talents ... its the little things that create champions ... its getting the m majority oof your team doing those things to close to 100% efficiency.
In a nutshell you don't need rules rules get broken all the time. But you do need standards of excellence that inspire, empower, and challenge those you lead to higher levels of achievement. This are where true champions live
Want a championship team >>> a championship experience ? Get off your bench and reach out to me and I'll gladly get you going in the right direction. Over 7000 leaders served over last 9 years.