Championing A Struggle
Neeti Kotia
Experienced Writer, 15+ years in Technical, Marketing Content, specialising in mobile app development | Non-Fiction Storyteller | Based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
What if I told you that my mother almost lost vision in her left eye? What if I told you that she had to undergo a major eye operation post-COVID symptoms? What if I told you that I wake up at 3:00 AM every day and drool across home-work-home? It's all true. I did just that. I had tunnel vision, and I could see my goal at the end of it. I didn't want to miss a single thing. I knew I needed to rest, but I had this sudden spurt of energy and I wanted to do as much as I can. My son and my bosses were hands down the best, understanding my bit. Tea became my best friend.
But it wasn't easy. The hardest part was to wake up early - do all the chores - attend to doorbells - numerous phone calls - get ready for work and still struggle to make some select uncles - aunts - neighbours understand; that extend no actual help in the preparations but definitely interfere with the way I handle things - directing me to do what they say not as they do!
Some of my friends - cousins - former colleagues - my son's teacher helped just in time, by suggesting their tested remedies; those amazing words which took me a while to process.
After 20 days of being diagnosed - my mom's mouth was full of ulcers - her rheumatoid arthritis - pain in knees - persistent dry cough - seeing her in so much pain wasn't pleasant at all.
I can't even begin to thank everyone enough; everyone's messages of support have been hugely valued. They have all helped me immensely through this process.
The impact that the past 20 days have had on me and my baby is huge - my outlook on life has changed forever and in a lot of ways for the better - we really do only get one shot at this gig!