Championing Neurodiversity
Championing Neurodiversity | Nicolas Gras | Unsplash

Championing Neurodiversity

Many organizations are exploring the benefits of embracing neurodiversity in the workplace. A growing push to make workplaces more neuroinclusive means improving hiring practices to welcome neurodivergent candidates, and reducing stigma that can limit opportunities.

Since unmet needs can cause stress and anxiety, we are having more conversations about how being open to adjustments can support mental well-being.

Where does inclusivity begin?

Creating a neuroinclusive environment begins with understanding neurodivergence as part of the full range of human experience and potential.

Ask yourself these questions:

Does your intake process invite people to share details about their identity?

The goal is to encourage open dialogue without pressuring anyone to reveal more than they are comfortable with sharing.

Do you ask about adjustments that could help people feel more comfortable?

Flexible working hours, noise-cancelling headphones, dimmable lights and variations in communicating information can all make a difference.

Heightening your awareness can help you understand what your team members need, whether they are neurodivergent or not.

If you feel a situation goes beyond your expertise, reach out to specialists. This means that everyone on your team can receive the support they need to perform at their best.

Change always begins with ourselves. For that reason, the Novalda team is connecting with the Sinneave Family Foundation in sessions that will support us in better understanding neurodiversity and co-creating ways to be neuroinclusive. Even better, we're hosting conversations for change leaders and team coaches - and you're invited.


Join Novalda and the Sinneave Family Foundation in complimentary sessions that explain how to welcome and support neurodiversity.



Recognize and include the diversity within yourself in Soul Sala, our nine-month transformational leadership program.


Love this reflection? Kerry Woodcock's full article contains more details on co-creating through diversity.



