A good friend of mine shared a motivational YouTube video with me this morning, and in this video the narrator said, “You cannot be a champion until you have survived a breaking point.”
This was something I really needed to hear! Right now I feel the most busy and stressed I think I’ve ever felt – but you know what – we get through these things!
Life is hard, and when we conquer our trials, we are even more of a CHAMPION. I love that.
Then I started thinking about how important choices and decisions are – they’re everything.
When you wake up in the morning, you decide to get out of bed or not. You decide to start your day sad, angry or happy.
You can choose to go to school or work. You can choose who you associate with. When things affect you, YOU CHOOSE your reaction.
Likewise with our trials … we can decide to let them bring us down or we can decide to be CHAMPIONS.
Again, this was something I needed to hear today. It was a good reminder. I hope this helps you guys, too!
I believe the quote I shared came from one of Motiversity’s videos on YouTube. Check them out for more inspiration and motivation!