Today is a day of writing and introspection.
I've been feeling lately that things aren't flowing, and I know, nowadays, that this means I'm not in full alignment somewhere.
I know the answers will come when I write; ask the questions, and let my soul answer.
There have been some thoughts rattling around in my head for a while, but as we humans tend to do, I've ignored them as silly, not true, impossible, not me. I've shut them down.
I've shut them down when maybe THEY are my truth. They also might not be, but I've not really given them a chance to speak up and to look more closely at how they feel.
Already this morning, to help me in this process, my mentor has posted a whole stack of journaling prompts and affirmations; and another post talked about shadow careers (as Steven Pressfield talks about in Turning Pro).
Talk about synchronicity and signs from the Universe.
Shadow careers are basically when we do 'work' that is CLOSE enough to our soul purpose to feel like it IS our purpose and passion, but really, it's still a step away from being our REAL purpose.
Like coaching or teaching others to do something, when in fact, WE should be doing that thing ourselves.
I use that example because it's a question I'm asking myself today in depth.
And the thing is, it's almost embarrassing to think that; to say to myself and to all of you, that maybe I've been fooling MYSELF when I talk so much about being in alignment and doing the things that light you up.
But then, I wouldn't be truthful to YOU or ME either, if I didn't put this part of my journey out into the world for you to see.
And I believe that alignment, mindset, self development, and LIFE is a journey. It's a process of unfolding, unbecoming, evolving, re-evolution, introspection...
Of choosing to follow your path...and when it doesn't feel in alignment, taking on a new direction.
Having the COURAGE to do so.
The HUMILITY to do so.
To hold at bay the fear that others will think you're crazy, lacking commitment, chopping and changing because you're UNDECIDED or flippant.
Yeah, for sure, that's some people's truth. They're flipping about and flitting from one thing to the next because they're AVOIDING their path and self sabotaging.
But it can also be that layer by layer, you're peeling back the onion and getting to the core. And only YOU can answer that for yourself.
So I want to encourage you today to look more deeply at where you're holding back from your own truths - whether it's because they seem out of reach, not for someone like you, your path is more along a certain line, your family or people from your background don't DO that thing, or others have told you tat your strengths lie in certain areas and so you discount or eliminate entirely the notion that your real passion is what you're meant to be doing and instead it's JUST a hobby or occasional pastime.
Purpose and passion can be a difficult journey to navigate at times. There's a lot of encountering doubt, self-worth, self-confidence, hitting up against walls of possibility, discounting your dreams as being too big or crazy.
But what if the point of your dreams was that they were put beyond your current perspective of where you can reach them, so that you had to STRETCH, GROW, EVOLVE and BECOME that person because you have more IN you and TO you than you would ever otherwise know?
If your dreams were totally possible and achievable right NOW, they wouldn't be dreams, they'd be habits or routines.
I believe they're set to be outside of our reach because that pushes us outside of our comfort zone and into the place where we explore our human potential as we drive ourselves to hit that target and achieve what we doubted oftentimes on the way as being achievable or possible.
It's up to us to CHOOSE to thrive on the challenges along the way, both the expected and unexpected ones.
To DECIDE to push ourselves in our soul, mind and body.
To be SELECTIVE about who we surround ourselves with as friends, mentors, coaches, and others on our team who help us get there.
To COMMIT to seeing this thing through, no matter how messy it gets, how confused we feel, how impossible it seems at times, and whatever happens.
To RIDE that rollercoaster and yet still KEEP THE FAITH and hold that knowingness in our soul through thick and thin.
PS If you're looking for clarity, accountability and guidance on getting into alignment, deeper into your purpose and passion, peeling back the layers to be more YOU than ever before, join me for 1:1 for 2018.
If you're driven and committed to going all in and need someone in your corner driving you when you falter, holding space, and keeping your head in the game long term.
Message me now for details!