Happy Thursday Voluntary Benefit Champions!

Beginning this week and through the end of November, I will focus many of my posts and my weekly newsletter on preparing for 2025. What does that mean?

To me, this preparation consists of a few things. First, whether you are an agent or a manager/leader it has the following components:

  1. Revising or drawing up your 1-, 3-, and 5-year vision—I believe you do this with input from your spouse/significant other and family. This is your why! It encompasses who you want to become personally, professionally, and spiritually, as well as what you want to accomplish in life, where you want to go, how you want to grow, what you wish to own, and who you want to become! This sets the table for goal setting.
  2. Goal setting is the second step and once again this is done in conjunction with and shared with the key people in your life. Now most people simply set business goals and I think that's moronic. For years, I set lofty goals only for my business and usually did not hit them. Then as I have done with most things I do, I tore the process apart, redesigned it then refined it. Now, when I set goals it reflects the 7 main facets of life: Physical, Business, Financial, Faith, Mental/Emotional, Relationships/Family, and Lifestyle. I have found that setting goals and building a plan for these 7 facets makes life better, goals easier to attain and as a result, I have started living a very balanced life. Using this system you will discover 10-15 goals that you want to hit, then you'll choose 3 key goals(Your Big Audacious Goals...BAG's), that will be your focus. You can hit more but I have found this system works well.
  3. The next step is what I call the Grand Design! This is a plan for the 3 Big Audacious Goals you have set and you will build a plan with dates, actions, and objectives to attain these 3 goals. Again a goal not written down is a dream. A goal without a corresponding plan is futility.
  4. The final step varies depending on if you are a leader/manager or an agent. Agents design an AMPP (Annual Marketing, and Prospecting Plan). This will break down everything an agent needs to do month by month, week by week, day by day, and hour by hour! Yes, hour by hour because you have 24 hours every day, 168 hours every week, 720 hours every month, and yes 8720 hours in a year. Money is fleeting, status can be changed but no one can create more time. Consequently, my plans broke every week down hour by hour and I found that by doing this I accomplished more than any three people in my office. I attribute this practice to why I am a life and qualifying member of The Million Dollar Roundtable! Next to getting married and having kids, I consider my accomplishment of MDRT year after year paramount to my overall success. Leaders/managers will design an ARMPP (Annual Recruiting, Marketing, and Prospecting Plan). The same principles of panning every hour apply.

I know what you're thinking....I can do this between Christmas and New Year or after January 1st. WRONG! Doing this right takes 10-12 hours of focused time between November and December. I also believe you do it in time slots that last 60-90 minutes. If you want to participate in this process via a workshop that I conduct or if you want me to conduct one of these workshops for your team, simply click on my Calendly link below and book a 30-minute Zoom session with me:

If you choose to book a workshop for your team or you join the workshop that will meet twice weekly on Zoom, beginning the week of November 17th, you/your team will receive all the tools needed to do this as well as recordings of each session on Zoom.

Look, each of you is a small business owner, and if you want to succeed as a small business owner, you need systems. Systems are the foundation for building, growing, and becoming a dominating force within the voluntary benefits industry. I spent 33 years in the insurance industry and for the first 7, I stunk! Then I started building, tearing down, rebuilding, and refining systems that allowed me to open over 2000 new voluntary benefit groups in 26 years.

In closing, I want you to close your eyes and picture this. You are on the company trip for the carrier you represent and hundreds of people are seeking you out because YOU have become the company stalwart. When everyone gathers, you are asked to get up and speak. The company officers seek out your input when it comes to scripts and systems.

Now most of you are saying that's BS. Well, I went from looking for a job in the want ads in the Chicago Tribune to the perennial number one producer in the company I represent as well as speaking all over the country and finally helping the carrier I represented with systems, scripts, concepts, and procedures. This allowed me to do so much for my wife, our children, and my aging parents.

You can too.....but it all starts with this system and then you'll develop a relentless drive to help others, become successful, and provide for your family. You will become a person with a MISSION!

Be A Champion In Everything You Do!


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