Champion Chat
Joseph Walsh
Sales Coaching, Training and Consulting for the Voluntary Benefits Industry| Keynote Speaker| Building Sales Culture| Certified Maxwell Leadership Coach, Speaker and Trainer|Referral Generation and Prospecting Coach
Last week, our Wednesday poll asked all of you about what objections you hear when making an employer presentation. Therefore this week is all about overcoming objections effectively. Leaders, today we are going to cover overcoming those objections you hear often during the employer presentation. What is written below is taken directly from one of the sixty four coaching modules that I have designed for the voluntary benefits industry (32 sales coaching modules and 32 coaching modules pertaining to management and leading). The most effective way to overcome objections is to head them off during your presentation. At Champion Coaching and Training we have developed an employer presentation that does this but no matter, what those pesky objections will still pop up. Below is how we train our clients to overcome them.
My employees can't afford this, they live paycheck to paycheck.
You: (owner’s name), I can understand why you may feel that your employees may not be able to afford an additional program. In fact, almost all my clients felt the same way when we first started talking. However, they all came to see that these plans are quite affordable and here’s why. First off many employees who choose to participate spend between one hour of their pay and $10.00 per week. However, let me illustrate how I know this is affordable to your employees. When we move forward with this program for your employees, this time of year will be open enrollment for our programs. That means that each year I will come out and answer questions, make any changes and lastly help with unfiled claims. You see (owner’s name), every year at open enrollment because of the low cost, your employees will forget that they have coverage and consequently forget to file a cancer, accident, ICU, or critical illness claim. After 2 or 3 deductions your employees will know longer think about what’s coming out of their paycheck. However, at claim time, they will be relieved knowing that they have a plan in place to protect their family. With that in mind, what day or days of the week would be best to come in and meet with your employees?.
My employees don’t need insurance!
Reply #1:
You: (Decision maker), I understand how you can feel that way. In fact, many of my current clients felt that way when we first talked. However, after we talked they came to see the great need their average employee has. (Decision Maker), do you own life insurance?
Decision Maker: Why Yes I Do.
You: I’m not being flip, but what day did you wake up and decide to buy life insurance or did something like this occur: You were contacted by an agent who set up an appointment. During this appointment the agent asked you several questions about your situation. Then he showed you a plan that fits your needs and your budget. Sounds about right?
Decision Maker: Yes
You: Well, these days your employees are not offered a piece of the rock, State Farm isn’t a good neighbor, Allstate doesn’t show those good hands and Snoopy is off fighting the Red Baron. In other words, the mainstay life insurance companies don’t want your employees but at (carrier you represent), Joe Lunchbucket is our ideal candidate. So, let’s sit down and talk about how together we can offer your employees the option to protect themselves and their families. Would (day) at (time) or (day) at (time) be better to talk to your employees.
Reply #2:
You: (decision maker) who is the employee at your company that you’re closest with?
Decision Maker: That’s easy it’s __________ our ___________
You: Tell me how old is __________? Is he/she Married? Does he have a family? (You must use emotion with this next part.) Well (decision maker) please oblige me for a minute. Last night ______ was driving home and excited to have dinner with his/her family. He/she was driving and he/she had a blowout, wrapped their car around a tree and never made it home. Now that he/she has passed away how comfortable will their family’s standard of living be?
Decision Maker: I don’t know.
You: Nor should you. That’s where I come in. By working with me your employees will understand their needs and if they choose to can purchase coverage that fits both their needs and their budget. With that in mind, would (day) at (time) or (day) at (time) be good for us to meet with your employees
I’m not sure my employees would be interested so let me poll my employees and get back to you.
You: I understand how you can feel that way. In fact, many of my current clients felt that way when we first talked. However, after talking it through they came to see the only way to gauge interest is by myself and my team meeting with your employees. You see (owner’s name), if you walk around and ask your employees “who wants life insurance?”, you’ll get a negative response. The reason why is because your employees don’t have the information they need to make an informed decision. However, if you allow me to come in at lunchtime and make a short group presentation to your employees, you’ll find that more than half will have an interest in talking to us. We will provide lunch for your employees. With that in mind, what day would be best for us to bring lunch and talk to your team?
I like the program but now is not the right time. Can we do it in the month of _________?
You: I understand how you can feel that way. In fact, many of my current clients felt that way when we first talked. However, after talking it through they came to understand that in the time we wait we risk a number of your employees, their spouses and children becoming uninsurable. You see (owner’s name), insurance is like a parachute. You acquire the parachute before you get on the plane because when the plane is going down…. No one is going to give or sell you theirs. If we wait I guarantee you that some of your employees will develop health conditions that will make them uninsurable. Let’s not have that become an issue. Instead let’s find a day when my team and I can come in and offer your employees this valuable and affordable coverage. What would be a good day and time for us to conduct the enrollment?
Folks, you are selling an idea so facts and figures are not the way to go. Emotion is your greatest tool you can use. When you evoke emotion in your presentation, most times it will elicit emotion in the person you are talking to and then it changes their perspective from logical to emotional and creates a better buying atmosphere. Objections come from a perspective of logic so you have to change that by leading the prospect to an emotional perspective. By doing so you change the dynamic between you and all of a sudden they change their point of view.
By learning these simple objection killers, practicing them and using them with emotion..... TRUE EMOTION, you can transform your closing ratio and give yourself the chance to help hundreds, perhaps thousands more individuals fulfill their desire to protect themselves and their families.
As always if you want more information and ideas on making a better and more effective employer presentation, reach out and set up a no cost 30 minute zoom session with me. Just click on the Calendly link below and book a time:
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#Objections #OvercomingObjections #ClosingMoreSales