A chameleon in the vacuum
Dr Adil Adamjee
Vacuum Technology o Thin Film Technology o NanoFabrication o GloveBox Technology o Consultants o Service Contracts o Battery Research o Perovskites Solar Research o Graphene o OLED o Mass Spectrometers o Space Research
Thyracont Smartline vacuum transducers from Ezzi Vision Pty Ltd can adapt themselves exactly to predominant ambient conditions of your vacuum application. Practically speaking: The 0 – 10 V output signal of the transmitters is scalable in accordance with the desired characteristic curve.
This works by means of a simple software command, which is sent via the digital RS485 interface of the gauge, and can be implemented at delivery ex works or simply by the user himself. It is therefore possible to scale, for example, the measuring range of a Pirani to 1.5 - 8.5 V, 1 - 9 V or to 2 - 9 V. If vacuum transducers are to be replaced in existing applications, reprogramming of the system control can consequently be omitted. Furthermore, relevant operating pressure ranges can be zoomed out, i.e. pressure ranges which are important for the process sequence can be output at the entire available signal range 0 – 10 V.
Smartline transducers measure from 1000 mbar to 5e-10 mbar and are optionally available with a back-lit LCD display. Thanks to modern combination sensors they are able to simultaneously record different pressure ranges such as fine and high vacuum with high precision and reliably steer your process pressure to the target.
Contact Ezzi Vision for more Information on Thyracont Vacuum Gauges https://www.ezzivision.com.au/smartline-digital-vacuum-transducers