Chameleon and the Changing this in JavaScript

Chameleon and the Changing this in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the keyword this can be one of the trickiest concepts to grasp. Its behavior changes based on the context in which it is used, making it a powerful yet sometimes confusing feature. This guide will demystify this by explaining its behavior in various scenarios, using relatable analogies, and providing practical examples.

The Chameleon Analogy

A chameleon changes its color based on its surroundings. Similarly, the value of this in JavaScript changes depending on where and how it's used:

  • Global Context: this refers to the global object (like window in browsers).
  • Object Methods: Inside a method, this refers to the object that owns the method.
  • Constructor Functions: In a constructor, this points to the new object being created.
  • Event Handlers: In event handlers, this point to the element that got the event.


  • Global Context:

function globalThis() {
    console.log(this); // window (in browsers)

  • Object Method:

const obj = {
    name: 'JavaScript',
    showThis: function() {
        console.log(this); // obj

  • Constructor Function:

function Person(name) { = name;
const person = new Person('John');
console.log(; // John        

  • Event Handler:

document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
    console.log(this); // The button element

Explicit Binding:

Javascript provides methods like call, apply, and bind to set the value of this explicitly.

  1. call: Invokes the function and allows us to pass in arguments one by one.
  2. apply: Invokes the function and allows us to pass in arguments as an array.
  3. bind: Returns a new function, where this is bound to a specific value.

function showName() {

const obj1 = { name: 'Alice' };
const obj2 = { name: 'Bob' };; // Alice
showName.apply(obj2); // Bob

const boundFunction = showName.bind(obj1);
boundFunction(); // Alice        

Arrow Functions and Lexical Scoping:

Arrow functions do not bind their own this; instead, they inherit it from the parent scope, a concept known as "lexical scoping." This makes arrow functions a great choice in some scenarios but problematic in others.

const myFunction = () => {

myFunction(); // window        

  • In this example, this is the global object because the arrow function does not have its own this but inherits it from the parent scope, which is the global context.
  • Adding "use strict" does not change the result, as the this value comes from the parent scope.

const myObject = {
  myMethod: () => {

myObject.myMethod(); // window        

In this scenario, this is still the global object. Even though myMethod is called on myObject, the arrow function does not bind this to myObject.

const myMethod = myObject.myMethod;
myMethod(); // window        

Again, this is the global object because the arrow function inherits this from the global scope.

Correct Usage of Arrow Functions in Methods:

const myObject = {
  myArrowFunction: null,
  myMethod: function () {
    this.myArrowFunction = () => { console.log(this) };

myObject.myArrowFunction(); // this === myObject
const myArrowFunction = myObject.myArrowFunction;
myArrowFunction(); // this === myObject        

In this example, when myObject.myMethod() is called, it initializes myObject.myArrowFunction with an arrow function. This arrow function inherits this from myMethod, making it refer to myObject.


So, understanding this in JavaScript is all about knowing the context, just like knowing, when a chameleon will change color. Remember, this can be tricky, but we can get the hang of it with practice. As they say,

A chameleon is only as good as its camouflage, and a JavaScript developer is only as good as their grasp of "this."


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