Chambers Newsletter | June Updates
Chambers and Partners
The official account of Chambers and Partners - the world’s leading legal ranking and insights intelligence company.
This month's Chambers Newsletter covers the latest Global Practice Guides, articles, podcasts, and videos from Expert Focus, as well as all our upcoming events.
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Chambers Global Practice Guides and Chambers Expert Focus?
Our Global Practice Guides are yearly online guides that include articles written by legal experts around the world in many areas of business law. The articles in our guides are in-depth commentaries from the best in their field - and because they come from lawyers on every continent, they allow the reader to compare the legislation and procedures described in these articles across different jurisdictions.??
Chambers Expert Focus provides multimedia content (articles, videos and podcasts) featuring legal professionals who offer fresh and concise insight into international legal practices.
Trending in Global Practice Guides
Product Liability & Safety 2024
Published 20 June 2024
Practitioners refer to product liability when they deal with the legislation concerning the risks, responsibilities and liabilities of manufacturers as they make their products; this is a complex group of laws and regulations which recently have had to address the challenges given by new technology, new marketing models and internet/e-commerce. Our Product Liability 2024 e-guide, authored by international legal experts in this field, is an invaluable tool that opens a window on the potential legal risks encountered during the production chain, from design to factory to sale. Our contributors highlight that besides ensuring that a product is safe, consideration must also be given to the environment in which the product is created (for instance, for product disposal and recycling) and to implementing adequate compliance during its life cycle, which often shifts across multiple jurisdictions. Liability for goods still under development without a set market launch date is complex, as companies must anticipate changes in law, business demands, and global trends. Ultimately, we are told that manufacturers should respect consumers' expectations but also prevent potential client claims, which could significantly damage the reputation of their brand name.
What’s new in Global Practice Guides
Corporate Immigration 2024
Published 25 June 2024
It’s that hot topic in everyone's mouth, and now more than ever, at the centre of the political campaign of every country hosting general elections. The contributors in the second edition of our Corporate Immigration 2024 e-guide report on all aspects of immigration law in more than 35 international jurisdictions and discuss how Brexit, the global pandemic and the latest geopolitical and economic events have increased the number of people moving across countries to look for better standards of living. The book describes the new digital application systems that streamline current 'entrance' processes, including remote working visas to prioritise access for highly-skilled workers and special routes allocated to vulnerable groups. The guide also reports insights on the ‘humanitarian’ aspect of immigration, greatly affected by the recent rise in political conflicts, so that you can form your own opinion on such a complex and polarising subject.
Digital Healthcare 2024?
Published 27 June 2024
As medical research relies more heavily on technology and digital devices, healthcare has become ‘digital’ healthcare, operating through electronic devices and wireless networks and requiring new forms of agreements to regulate the analyses of data collected for all the people receiving medical treatment. Equipment in surgical theatres has reached such unprecedented standards of quality that, together with the doctors' knowledge and experience, a new medical augmented intelligence now helps medical professionals to quickly and easily identify potentially fatal diseases such as malignant tumours. Naturally, such complex IT infrastructure and a high volume of data analytics will require satisfactory legislation to manage, access, and store records responsibly while protecting the privacy of the people in care from cyber-attacks. Our Digital Healthcare 2024 e-guide, introduced by partner William Tanenbaum from Moses & Singer LLP, has compiled detailed reports on the latest technology utilised in contemporary healthcare and its regulatory requirements. We hope that discussions between IT companies and medical infrastructures are taking place right now to mitigate the risks brought by technology and ensure that digital healthcare contributes positively to improving the care of patients.
Coming Soon
Space Law 2024?
The latest of our new publication for 2024, this e-guide explores space legislation in all galaxies near and far away! To be published on 11 July 2024
Doing Business In… 2024
One of our most popular guides, listing all aspects of legislation for starting trades in more than 70 international jurisdictions! To be published on 16 July 2024
Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2024
Our established Alternative Energy & Power, covering all energy and power-related laws, has just been rebranded with this trendy new title! To be published on 18 July 2024
What’s new in Expert Focus
How Elections Shape Immigration Policy: Analysing the Impact of Political Shifts
With up to 76 nations hosting general elections this year, we are about to witness significant shifts in the realm of international politics. After visiting the polls, citizens of these territories might impact future policies relating to the most pressing current issues, ranging from the economy to energy and the environment. Immigration, seen by some people as a benefit and by others as a hindrance, is bound to influence their vote. In their detailed report, Christine Sullivan and Ana Sofia Walsh - a partner and a director, respectively, at Fragomen - discuss how immigration policies might affect the elections taking place in some of the most populated countries in South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Besides touching on the next US presidential elections in November, the lawyers write about voting in those countries not always receiving the press coverage it deserves. The authors also delve into the disadvantages associated with immigration (asylum applications, work permits, security, additional costs), not forgetting its positive impact (replenishment of labour shortages in some sectors, specialist knowledge, diversity and integration), which has seen some governments making a U-turn from initially opposing it to now considering it a valuable contribution to the broader economic health and social fabric of their nation.
Should you wish to seek further clarification on this much-debated theme, you can refer to our Corporate Immigration 2024, which overviews about forty legal commentaries across the world.
Trial in Absentia: Chasing Ghosts
The legal world abounds with words borrowed from Latin, the language inherited from our European ancestors. Some readers might have heard the expression 'in absentia’, while the person writing, if they can correctly recall it from their classical studies, has translated it as 'in the absence of’, hoping they are not wrong… In their interesting article, Priyank Ladoia and Tanmay Sharma of AZB & Partners discuss the latest policy in Indian criminal law called Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita 2023, or BNSS, effective from 1 July 2024; this new process introduces and recognises a trial 'in absentia', where a trial is conducted despite the absence of the accused, for instance in the case of their evasion or abscondment, while still ensuring a just and fair judgement for the offender. In their piece, the authors describe the fundamental steps ]recommended under the BNSS for conducting trials in the absence of a defendant in India. This can be applicable in cases where a company has no presence or representation in the country, allowing legal proceedings to continue without wasting time and effort chasing 'ghosts’.
China Shock 2.0: How New Legislation Is Driving China’s Climb Up the Value Chain
In the 13th episode of his series of podcasts dedicated to China, Frank Hong of Longan Law Firm reports on the country's heavy presence on the international trade scene. It seems, in fact, that since the spread of COVID-19, China has experienced an unprecedented surge in the manufacturing of numerous inexpensive goods that can be found in our homes, from commonly used, low-value tools to electric vehicles, electronic equipment and machinery, which are successfully sold all over the world. In his audio piece, Hong resents the distrust shown towards Chinese exports, described by some Western media as 'China Shock’, explaining that Chinese manufacturing has been allowed to evolve and proliferate thanks to advantageous tax reforms and the local government's promotion towards technological development, not forgetting the ambitious resilience of Chinese workers at every level - something that many of us can certainly vouch for, as we purchase these products from known internet sites that originated in the People's Republic and make regular use of them in our everyday lives.
Chambers Expert Focus Podcast
Listen to our informative Chambers Expert Focus podcasts, which include legal experts sharing their knowledge and analysing key themes and market trends.
Chambers Events
Chambers Virtual Forum with Galicia Abogados
On Wednesday, June 26th, Chambers Events hosted a webinar sponsored by Galicia Abogados. The webinar discussed actions that family business owners should take to ensure a smooth transfer of the business to the next generation.
Learn more about the webinar and speakers and watch it on demand here.
Chambers High Net Worth Awards
We are pleased to be hosting the Chambers High Net Worth Awards 2024 at the National Gallery on Thursday, July 11th.
This year’s event celebrates firms and individuals across 10+ practice areas. You can view the complete shortlist here. Tables are available until Wednesday, July 3rd. To secure your table, please contact [email protected]
Chambers UK Bar Awards
This year's UK Bar Awards will take place on Thursday, November 14th, at Old Billingsgate, celebrating the outstanding legal work, impressive strategic growth, and excellence in client service of firms, sets and individuals across the country.
Join 700 of your industry colleagues for this prestigious evening celebrating trailblazers across the UK legal sector.
Tables are available at the super early bird rate until Friday, July 26th. Prices will increase by £400, so secure your table early.
Secure your table here.
Chambers Latin America Awards
Join us on Friday, November 22nd, at The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach in Miami for this year's Chambers Latin America Awards.
The event applauds legal trailblazers and innovators who’ve made their mark over the past year and celebrates diversity and inclusion champions fostering an equitable legal community.
Tables are available at the super early bird rate here until Friday, July 26th.