Challenging yourself to positively navigate change.

Challenging yourself to positively navigate change.

Feel like you have outgrown your present and past?

Ready for change?

Imagine how great it could be to travel in a time machine ‘and jump’ into your future.

Based on where you are at right now consider for a moment what you and your career will look like when you ‘travel’ ahead two years. What do you see? Are you rewarded with strong inner feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose? Or is your picture, not such a positive one? Are you experiencing a ‘Groundhog Day’ feeling?

You deserve a second chance!

When you reflect on the picture two years hence, you will either like or dislike what you see. If you like what you see, you are in a positive place already, so keep building your dream, remembering to challenge yourself at times to continue to make your life happen.

However, if you are unhappy with what you see, you do realize that you have the power to change the view, don’t you? Because you do deserve a second chance!

What is stopping you?

Have you reached a critical point in your career – a point of no return? Are you standing at a crossroads, not sure whether to turn left or right, turn back, or keep moving forward, to the work or career you know?

Right now, even before you consider getting on board the time machine, you are faced with two challenges – Choice and Change. ?These are two aspects that can and will influence your future. Choice and change give you unlimited access to alternative pathways as you make a bold decision as to which path you will take.

Will you or won’t you?

Jim Rohn’s inspirational words: "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change" resonate brilliantly for many people who are at a crossroads in their careers. Change often scares people, whether for personal or professional reasons, but to not change, can and often becomes, even scarier.

Why sit still and keep doing what you have always done if it makes you unhappy? That is where choice enters to room. When you make a choice, this will ultimately lead to you bringing about change in your career.

Challenge yourself to set a course for change

Let’s return to the travel machine. You’ve seen a bird’s eye view of what your life or career will look like in two years. This time when you repeat the exercise allow yourself to gain a new perspective when you do embrace change/do not embrace change. What is the first thing you notice? What has happened over the two years to make your career work or not work? What will you do differently?

"Do what you’ve always done; get what you’ve always got"

As quoted by the great Henry Ford. The change will set a course for positive growth in your career. The choices you make from this point moving forward will help you unearth and achieve what you want in your work – your dreams, ambitions, and true passions.

As you start to embrace change and implement the right choices, you will experience the realization that you have to step out of your comfort zone.

This is a time to step beyond the realm of what you know into a different zone of ‘discomfort’. This ‘discomfort’ or stretch zone shouts curiosity, challenge, discovery, unfamiliar territory, adventure, the unknown, and exploration.

At this point there is one important question I’d like to ask: Do you feel like you have outgrown your past and you look forward to exploring a new, as yet unchartered journey in your time machine? Once onboard and with all engines firing, you’ll plot a new course and set off toward unlocking ‘the’ door, and potential, to the future you.

Which door will you choose?


Gail Gibson, AMC的更多文章

