It is getting a little more CHALLENGING to think of what to write each day, checking to see that I am not repeating something I already posted and posting something meaningful.
We desire CHALLENGING, even seek out CHALLENGING. The alternative is boredom and stagnation.
We may differ in where we desire or seek out CHALLENGING.
We surely don't want everything to be CHALLENGING. Do you want obstacles in your path? If you are traveling to a destination and the destination is your goal and desire and not the travel of course not. CHALLENGING in that setting is an aggravation. But if you are climbing for sport, the CHALLENGING to overcome to get to the destination is what you are seeking out.
For our most important goals, where we are primarily seeking the long-term journey and the long-term impact, the CHALLENGING is the part where we make the greatest gains by overcoming. It is the way we increase our capacity and proficiency.
Of course we don't want the "BEYOND CHALLENGING" scenario: